Cats vs. Dogs

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Cats vs. Dogs

Are you a cat person or a dog person? In the age-old schism of cats versus dogs, there has always been a debate for both sides. No matter what side is taken there will always be a debate about which animal is superior.

People choose pets based on a certain kinship they feel with the animal. Now, perhaps cat lovers are uptight, but they don't choose to claim kinship with a creature whose first act upon meeting a new member of its own kind is to sniff its behind. There is also the problem of dignity and discrimination -- as in, dogs have none. Where's the discrimination in an animal so mindlessly arduous that its overpowering instinct upon seeing someone is to hump his or her leg?

And what's dignified about a creature so mad with joy at your (somewhat predictable) daily return from work that it is forced to hurl itself at you like a furry cannonball, intent on knocking you down and likely to induce concussion? In contrast to this slobbering, effusive eagerness, the calm, independent companionship of a cat will be taken any day. At least when a cat displays the occasional enthusiasm over your presence in his world, it can be rest assured that hospitalization is not the most likely result.

People own animals for companionship, not so they have to be responsible for the animal twenty-four hours a day. Cats, unlike dogs, are independent. Cats do not mind being around so long as it means being well fed, provided with warmth and comfort, and allowe...

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