Pet Therapy

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Pet Therapy

A bus carrying several clinical students from the local college pulls up in front of the nursing home. The students begin to unload some boxes which contain puppies and kittens ranging in age from three to six months. Once inside, the students begin to pass the puppies and kittens out to the patients that are waiting expectantly in the recreation room. Some patients are alone, some are in groups, but all are delighted to see the animals arrive. As the animals are being passed out, the patients begin smiling, laughing, and talking to the animals. They stroke their coats, play with them, and feed them snacks that they have saved for this occasion. While the patients are interacting with other students and staff, two of the students begin making notes on the activities that are taking place in the room. The patients, staff, and students are clearly enjoying themselves, but there are greater benefits to be found here.

Research has been done in the area of human-animal companionship and security, and stress management. Due to the relative newness of this field and the difficulties in studying it, most research has been concentrated on the elderly, specifically, institutionalized elderly. Pets have been introduced into these settings in order to minimize the negative consequences of institutionalization. Most research has been conducted on the extreme ends of the continuum, either very brief visitation or therapy of resident pets studies (Wrinkler 216).

Pet visitation programs for institutionalized elderly have found that patients often show great interest momentarily, but these effects are short-lived. The social response and involvement of the residents are only evident...

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...her. The attendants are helping the students gather up the animals and reassure the patients. When all the animal are loaded, the students all say their good-byes and pile into the van. "See you next week," they shout. As the van pulls away from the curb, a plummy, shaggy-haired puppy sadly barks his good-bye through the back window.

Works Cited

Bickel, C. M. "The Therapeutic Roles of Cat Mascots with a Hospital-based Geriatric Population: A Staff Survey." Gerontologist 19 (1979): 368-72.

Seigel, J. M. "Stressful Life Events and use of Physician Services Among the Elderly: The Moderating Role of Pet Ownership." Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 58 (1990): 108-86.

Winkler, A. et al. "The Impact of a Resident Dog on an Institution for the Elderly: Effects on Perceptions and Social Interactions." Gerontologist. 29 (1989): 216-23.

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