Warmth Essays

  • The warmth of human emotion

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    The Warmth of Human Emotion Heat and warmth are usually depicted as elements of comfort and security. This warmth is what people crave to achieve this comfort. In Evelyn Lau’s “Family,” the heat and warmth give deeper meaning in regards to human emotion. The contrasting images of ice and cold as well resemble the abstract human emotion in the short story. The elements are used in such a way as to satisfy the hunger of emotional warmth in regards to the characters Zoe and Douglas. As the story unfolds

  • Symbolism in Farenheight 451 by Ray Bradbury

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    and powerful by using symbolism to reinforce the ideas of anti-censorship. The Hearth and the Salamander, the title of part one, is the first example of symbolism. The title suggests two things having to do with fire, the hearth is a source of warmth and goodness, showing the positive, non-destructive side of fire. Whereas a salamander is a small lizard-like amphibian, and also in mythology, is known to endure fire without getting burnt by it. Perhaps the salamander is symbolic of Guy Montag,

  • Relationships and Love in Frost's, Wind and Window Flower

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    explores a love too fragile for the lovers to pursue. The lovers in this poem are enticed by one another but remain worlds apart. This tale of love is one of temptation, excitement, and disappointment. The window flower is an image of beauty and warmth. The flower is protected from the outside world and is safe inside the warm, firelit house, as is the woman. In contrast, the image of the winter breeze is cold, fierce, and impersonal. The man knows little of the things of love. The unknown is

  • My House Was Destroyed by Fire

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    sheath of frost, as were the glacial branches that scraped at my windows, begging to get in. It is indeed the coldest year I can remember, with winds like barbs that caught and pulled at my skin. People ceaselessly searched for warmth, but my family found that this year, the warmth was searching for us. My family had collected in the basement, a testament to tacky décor with a dash of dank- ness. Nevertheless, it was easily the warmest place in the house and all household activities were being conducted

  • I Stand Here Ironing by Tillie Olsen

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    “I Stand Here Ironing” by Tillie Olsen is a depiction of a mother-daughter relationship that lacks involvement and warmth. The whole story composed of the mother’s memory of her relationship with her daughter, Emily. The memory was a painful one comprised mostly of the way the mother was much less able to care for Emily. The forsaken of Emily demonstrates the importance of physical and emotional support. The mother was an invisible parent for Emily. Her reason for not being there for Emily was because

  • Rip Curl

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    surfers’. At the time, there was a great demand for wetsuits. In 1970 they designed a new and improved wetsuit for diving, it had under arm gussets for better movement. Some of the key design requirements that Rip Curl look to have in their designs are warmth, make sure the rider/wearer isn’t to cold, flexibility, so the rider can move quickly and unrestricted, making the wetsuit more lighter and more flexible. Tougher stitching, so the suit is more durable and worth the money, and extra strong wearing

  • The Dead

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    contrast method, making one seem comforting and homey, the other dark and unknown. This comparison adds the aspect of death to Gabriel’s speech because of impermanence of his Aunt Julia and Aunt Kate; the impermanence of good old Irish hospitality, warmth and love. The reader is also a sense of Gabriel’s desperate fear of death when he speaks of his Aunt Kate and Aunt Julia. He seems defiant of the fact that they are both old and won’t be around to throw parties like these much longer. Gabriel constantly

  • Urban Heat Islands

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    Urban Heat Islands For more than 100 years, it has been known that two adjacent cities are generally warmer than the surrounding areas. This region of city warmth, known as an urban heat island, can influence the concentration of air pollution. The urban heat island is formed when industrial and urban areas are developed and heat becomes more abundant. In rural areas, a large part of the incoming solar energy is used to evaporate water from vegetation and soil. In cities, where less vegetation and

  • Essay on the Perfect Women of As You Like It and Much Ado About Nothing

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    characters, we can see personality traits and characteristics of what Shakespeare might have considered the perfect woman. Rosalind and Beatrice are characterized by their beauty, integrity, strength of character, intelligence, gaiety, seriousness, and warmth. Shakespeare used Rosalind and Beatrice to portray his belief that the ideal woman is a woman of beauty. In the play As You Like It, poems were written to Rosalind by her lover Orlando praising her beauty and fairness. "All the pictures fairest

  • The Christmas Tree

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    The Christmas Tree Tightly squashed like sardines my family and I travel back to my childhood in thirty simple minutes. The sunshine tickles my eyelids through the salt- stained window. Bing Crosby chimes in his monotone voice singing, "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas", setting the mood. His voice is like a familiar calling that Christmas is near. Bundled in our scratchy layers of insulation reminds me of deep sea diving. Pine sap and burning wood greet my nose, as we reach our destination

  • Last Night in Salzburg, Austria

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    The sheer white curtains billow in through the open window with the warm night air, like the sails of a ship setting off into the night. Lying in bed, I hear the buzz of a scooter whizzing through the streets, ironically followed by the rhythmic clip-clop of horseshoes meeting the cobblestone streets. It is our last night in Salzburg, Austria, and that moment embodies what makes this city appeal to me so much. Somehow, in the midst of the chaos of the twenty-first century, Salzburg has preserved

  • Emotional devleopment in children

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    psychologists agree that emotions are vital in a child’s life and to be able to promote a healthy social development a child must learn how to correctly find solutions to interpersonal problems. Moreover, research shows when parents display higher levels of warmth and positive interaction children are more likely to exhibit social competence, higher self-esteem, and emotional understanding. Play is an important part of emotional-social development. Play can act as a way for children to reveal their innermost

  • Symbolism in The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson

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    troops for the Vietnam War; a lottery of death. Another would be the human sacrifices the Aztecs willingly made long ago. The story opens by embracing the reader with a relaxed setting, giving the anticipation for an optimistic story. “…with the fresh warmth of a full summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green (p.445).” The discussion of children and school also gives well meaning of an organized and well-balanced village the people have put together, one the average

  • Metamorphosis A Movie

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    to save his family by paying what they owe, they are not grateful for what he does. As he explains at the beginning they would thank Gregor with warmth for helping the family out. But as time went by “they had just gotten used to it, gotten used to it…the money was received with thanks and given with pleasure, but no special feeling of warmth went with it anymore'; (27). The family no longer saw the sacrifice that he was making, later as they got used to being helped they saw the help

  • Grandpa's House

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    Grandpa's House As I walk in through the door, I begin to sense the feeling of warmth come over me. This is the feeling I get every time I arrive at my Grandpa's house in Price, Utah. It's where I spent the first five years of my life. This is my second home. My family and I live about four hours away from Price, but that still doesn't stop us from going to visit as often as possible. The drive there is rather boring, but it's worth being able to see the familiar landscape of my past. After

  • An Analysis of Ballad of the Harp-Weaver

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    Analysis of Ballad of the Harp-Weaver Take just a second to read the first eight lines very carefully. Picture yourself as a small child being with your mother or father sitting on their lap as they hold you. It is a good feeling that brings warmth and security to any child or any adult needing to recapture the essence of their childhood. In the first four lines we are to understand that the boy's mother is trying to rub his skin to make him warm. That is what "chafe" means, to warm by rubbing

  • Finding Out Why Penguins Huddle Up

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    Finding Out Why Penguins Huddle Up Aim: The aim of this experiment is to find out if when penguins "huddle up" it creates warmth for the penguins. Method: In this experiment I am going to use test tubes to symbolise penguins "huddling up". I will firstly get all of my equipment, then I will fill firstly one test tube with water, then 9, then 17, then 25 in bunches. I will fill them all with water at a temperature of 65 degrees C. I will leave each set for 5 minutes and record the

  • Christmas Eve

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    chair you would almost always need a blanket. The chair was next to the window and every time the wind blew a little would come in, not enough for a problem just enough to know it was there. For some reason it still felt warm, maybe not heat warmth but warmth inside. This is where I grew up; I knew every corner, every creek in the floor. I knew what steps creaked and just how hard to push the door so it closed but didn't slam. It was about two in the afternoon. My father, my sister and I were all

  • Free College Essays - The Sun Motif in The Stranger by Albert Camus

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    composers have put the beauty and warmth of the sun in their work. The Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh created landscapes that expressed his joy with bright sunshine. The American poet Emily Dickinson wrote a poem called "The Sun," in which she described the rising and setting of the sun. The Russian composer Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov included a beautiful song, "Hymn to the Sun," in his opera The Golden Cockerel. Uniquely, Camus' usage of the sun opposes its warmth and beauty in The Stranger. The sun

  • Wordsworth’s Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802

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    Wordsworth’s Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 The sonnet, “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802,” shows Wordsworth’s appreciating the beauty of London and demonstrating it as “emotion recollected in tranquility.” It’s characteristic of his love for solitude that it is set in the early morning when there is no bustle and noise. Wordsworth is in awe of the scenic beauty of the morning sun radiating from London’s great architectural marvels. However, there are