Persuasive Speech On Adopting A Cat

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We all are busy people who are out of the house most of the day. We need a companion to help us ease the stress from daily life. For example, if you are purr-catinating on essays or preparing for speeches late at night, you at least have a companion by your side. A great companion is the cat, you get to pet a fluffy thing and get free scratches. Why cats? Well, cats are purr-ty interesting creatures. According to Discovery News, in 1960s, the CIA tried to turn a cat into a spy, but un-fur-tunately, they failed when the cat was ran over by a cab. Another interesting fact according to Buzzfeed is female cats are typically right-pawed while male cats are typically left-pawed. There is also a cat island named Tashirojima that are terrorized by stray cats in Japan. The main problem is there are too many cats in the shelters that need a home, according to ASPCA, approximately 3.4 million cats enter the shelters every year. Well the solution to this is you can adopt a cat. There are a few things you need to do before adopting a cat. …show more content…

The first thing you should worry about is cat allergies. According to, some symptoms of cat allergies are swelling and itching around the eyes and nose. There are a few ways to control your allergies, such as medication to help subdue them. Another way is there are some breed of cats that are hypoallergenic. One cat that you might know is the sphynx cat, the naked cat without fur. Another problem is you don’t have space at your place or your landlord doesn’t allow pets. Well, I suggest to just wait until you have a stable income to move to a pet friendly

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