When I arrived at the career fair, I was a little overwhelmed at first. There were so many different options to choose from and I was unsure as to where to start. This was my first ever career fair so I truly wasn’t sure what to expect. After looking around for a few moments, I noticed straight ahead was a table for AAA. I was very happy to realize that the recruiter was one of my former co-workers, Nick. Nick and I talked for a few minutes and he explained the positions that were currently available at AAA. I don’t have any background experience for either of the positions that were open but I am very much interested in the internship opportunity that is available. Nick explained that they will be looking for a travel agent intern and I do
In all honesty, I didn’t know if this was something that would hold my interest but it absolutely did. The panel consisted of Robert Skertich, Doug Hermann, Roy Cox, and Thomas Cook. All of these men are trained in how to keep an event safe. I was so stunned at all of the horror stories that they told us about regarding past events. Whenever I attend events, I obviously never go in thinking about the potential disasters that can happen. After listening to some of the stories that these gentlemen told, I am definitely going to be more safety conscious when I’m attending any event. Roy Cox, the District Chief of Pittsburgh Emergency Medical Services, told us that one of the hardest things about his job is trying to balance having emergency response units at the event while also taking care of the rest of the city. For example, if they need to provide 20 emergency response units to a large championship parade in the city, they still have to plan for the man who many have a heart attack or the child that breaks his/her leg across the city. I can see where that would pose as a huge problem. They also explained that it takes 8-9 months of planning for an event like the Regatta down at the Point. I thought this was insane because as someone who attends the event you never think of how much work goes in to keeping us all safe. After listening to this panel discussion, I can truly say that I came
As I mentioned before, I was not sure what to expect going in. It was very overwhelming at first, but I am so glad that I was able to meet with the people that I did. This was especially great for me because I ran into one of my childhood friends who I haven’t seen in many years. She currently works for Acrobatique Creative Branding Boutique, which I was unfamiliar with. She gave me information on what her company was about and some of the opportunities that are available. If it weren’t for this job fair, I most likely would not have had a chance to reconnect with her. When I got home, I sent out emails to every employer that I spoke with today to express my appreciation for them taking time out of their day to speak with me. I’m hoping that at least one of them get back to me. I am excited to see what the future has in store, and I’m glad I attended the career
Days before the festival, Upstate New York was ready. The city, county and state officials knew what to expect, and felt confident in their abilities to handle traffic, crowd control, sanitation, medical emergencies, and any unexpected problems.
My internship began with a short orientation of KPMG’s office located in the Wells Fargo Building of downtown Minneapolis. After some introductions and a few training sessions that outlined what was expected of us in terms of the rules and laws we were required to follow including disclosure of client and firm information and independence affidavits, for example, we were briefed on our trip to Orlando for National Internship Training which would take place the following work day. Training for Partnership-focused federal tax interns would last a whole week filled with events and educational seminars that would introduce us to tax fundamentals and software tutorials that would be helpful during our time with KPMG. National Internship Training would be the primary training session for every KPMG intern in the nation, hosting thousands of interns assigned to all pillars of accounting (audit, tax, and advisory). During meals and events the interns had opportunities to meet interns from around the country helping to expand our professional and social networks, which I found to be one ...
While only a small percentage of the entire workforce was able to participate in the event, its intention was to provide employees with something to strive toward. It was also rejuvenating for those given the opportunity to attend. The event was inspiring and left you with the feeling that you work for a great company and they do care about you; so much so that they are willing to spend a lot of money and provide you with a wonderful experience . The event also focused heavily on the driving force of the company: the students and helping them to improve and change their lives. Employees returned to work feeling inspired and ready to do just that. The event provided the company with an opportunity to invest in their employees, reward them, and make them feel
If you have been wondering what to do in the wake of all the natural disasters happening in the world, including hurricanes and storms, you will be interested in this program?
Hazards pose risk to everyone. Our acceptance of the risks associated with hazards dictates where and how we live. As humans, we accept a certain amount of risk when choosing to live our daily lives. From time to time, a hazard becomes an emergent situation. Tornadoes in the Midwest, hurricanes along the Gulf Coast or earthquakes in California are all hazards that residents in those regions accept and live with. This paper will examine one hazard that caused a disaster requiring a response from emergency management personnel. Specifically, the hazard more closely examined here is an earthquake. With the recent twenty year anniversary covered by many media outlets, the January 17, 1994, Northridge, California earthquake to date is the most expensive earthquake in American history.
The career cluster, "the government and public and administration," focuses on careers that are unique to government. It protects us from foreign aggression. It mostly protects Americans in countless ways. State and local governments pass laws or ordinances and provide vital services to constituents.
Equal Employment Opportunity means freedom from discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, color, national origin, disability and age. Affirmative Action plans define an employer’s standard for proactively, recruiting, hiring, and promoting women, minorities, disabled individuals and veterans (SHRM, 2012). EEO, Affirmative Action: Equal Employment Opportunity is to ensure employee’s performance is high and the overall goals of the organization are being met. Affirmative Action and EEO are regulations that help ensure fair actions and opportunities are given in the workplace. Employees who receive equal employment opportunities are much more focused in the workplace, which is geared toward achieving the goals of the organization. Embracing
Application of career theories to my own life allows for analyzing past and future career decisions. Holland’s Theory of Careers states that one’s vocation is an expression of self, personality, and way of life. There is an indisputable and fundamental difference in the quality of life one experiences if they choose a career one truly enjoys, versus choosing a career one detests. A true testament to the validity of Holland’s theory, my job/career choices reflect my interests, as well as the evolution of my personality (internal self). My first job as a fine jewelry specialist and second job as a make-up artist echo my love of the fashion world. As I matured and became less fascinated by presumed “glamour” careers, I became captivated by physical fitness, nutrition, and medicine; I received my national fitness trainer certificate so that I may become a personal trainer. Nevertheless, my career decisions do not fit uniformly into merely one career theory.
After the completion and reflection of the Clearfit Career Feedback Report, the information that I most resonate with are my tendencies of getting things done, and work style. When working with others, I have always thought that I am they type of person who is persistent with goals and after carefully considering the feedback, I realized that the purpose behind my drive is not that I crave competition, but rather that I enjoy being successful and achieving personal results. This in turn has enabled me the ability to be a good planner and organizer. With this information, I have a better understanding of why I am such a stickler for planning, organization, and why I do not always take on leadership roles in order to outperform others. In addition
With the 'unknown certainty' of terrorist actions and fan behavior, it is impossible to ensure a risk-free environment at America's sporting venues. Incidents will happen and emergencies will arise. It is a matter of how one prepares, responds, and recovers to mitigate the consequences of emergencies at a sporting venue. Sport venue managers need to be aware of risk assessment methodologies to detect threats, identify vulnerabilities, and reduce cons...
The Book of Job is one of the writings in the Hebrew Bible Old Testament. According to many scholars, it dates back to between the 7th and 4th centuries BCE; however, the author remains unknown (Walker). Throughout the scriptures, it mentions Job and his friends, but Job is not the author. Many theories have been about that say the author must be of Israelite descendants and somehow came upon a story of a righteous man who was tested by God and suffered but still remained loyal to Him (Job 5:11). The Book of Job is often considered difficult to comprehend but within its text lies a meaningful message that many people often look over and lose sight of.
It was not at all what I thought it would be and I honestly realized along the way this is not a department I would want to work in. The desk work and the constant time on the computer really turns me off from working in any department that entails sitting in one spot for six hours. To counter that I did go out to shoot promotional videos and I had the opportunity to go to some events that I would never be able to go to without 6abc, but the time spent at the desk really makes those events less intriguing. I was hoping to do a lot more on camera projects when starting this internship, but I spent a lot of time behind the camera which I was not used to. I do think that having this internship was very important because it taught me a lot about how much goes into promoting a news station. I now appreciate all of the people that aren’t on television because they do most of the dirty work. Our talent do write some of their stories, but their job seems a lot more relaxing than some of the other employees. I loved interacting with the talent more than anything because I hope one day to be in their shoes. Adam Joseph is such a sweetheart and I am honored to have worked closely with him on projects along with all of the 6abc talent. Watching them with fans at events make me even more driven to be the best I can be and get a fan base like they all have
Honestly, studies similar to this should be conducted in every amusement park; due to large numbers of park attendees and employees across the country, the data potential is daunting. Not all parks offer identical training to employees because weather disasters can be specific to geography (Florida parks may face a hurricane while Midwest parks will receive only residual rains), it is necessary to pare down the scope of the study. For the purposes of this safety study, the focus will be on the Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Park in Orlando, Florida. This will be an in-house study, and it will be approved and sanctioned by the Walt Disney Company. All test subjects will be current employees of the Magic Kingdom and the study results will be used to improve the safety and disaster training within the Company.
Here are some key points and ideas about exercises we could do in class. PLease contact me if you have any questions. I think we could have the speaker and do the mock interview I suggested toward the end of this e-mail. Shana Cohn CLASS DESIGN Important points, class discussion questions and activities. Part I Job Analysis defined: Identifying lists of activities or tasks associated with the job. Determining the skills needed to perform the job successfully. A well-designed job analysis can help to create a work environment where expectations are clear and future problems can be alleviated through communication. Some detailed benefits of job analysis include: 1. It provides uniform guidelines for dealing with employment selection, compensation, performance standards, and the skills needed for any given position. 2. It lays a foundation for gaining a competitive advantage by identifying training needs for the incumbent employee or an employee entering into the organization. 3. A successful job analysis draws clear boundaries between the employer and employee regarding qualifications, job responsibilities, lines of authority, and ways of preventing or dealing with grievances. 4. It allows employers to hire qualified candidates by linking applicants' skills to the job analysis. Employers can also prove that their requirements for selection are related to the job. The ADA defines a qualified applicant as "one who can perform the essential functions of the job." A job analysis provides the employer with justification of why they chose a particular applicant. Other areas to note: 1. The most common reason for a job analysis is to gather information for job descriptions. The job description should focus on results and outcomes instead of how to accomplish the job, because each person attains results in a different fashion. 2. Preparation for the future is key to dealing with a changing workplace. The job analysis should integrate issues the organization may confront in the future, such as turnover and technology advances that could change its structure. 3. Forecasting HR needs is critical to the success of the organization. These should be assessed with past trends, evaluating the skills of incumbent positions, and being aware of changing skills and requirements. Some questions/activities regarding job analysis: A class activity would be a case study that involves a new person hired into an organization where a job analysis is not utilized. The following questions serve as a guideline for the types of issues that could arise without a clear job analysis.
This past Tuesday, Howard University had their annual Spring Career Fair which was located in Blackburn Ballroom with over 50 different companies. The career fair at Howard is always an exciting time as students eagerly await the opportunity to earn a job either during summer or after the graduation. This year’s career fair featured such employers like Target, Johnson & Johnson, Bank of America, Emily’s List, Kipp DC, and many more different companies. Not only did the career fair feature a bunch of different job opportunities it also had representations from different graduate schools some of those were University of Maryland, Wake Forest University, University of Rochester, and many others. What made this Career Fair even more