The Influence Of Coffee On The Human Body

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Chapter 1

Coffee has been a part of the lives of humans actively living in the society for at least 1200 years. Because of this it is also known as the second most valuable produce worldwide next to oil, which has become a regular part of the daily life of people worldwide (Bonita, Mandrano, Shuta & Vinson, 2007 as cited by Bae, Park, Im, & Song, 2014). One of its best known constituents is caffeine, but it also contains carbohydrates, lipids, nitrogenous compounds, vitamins, minerals, alkaloids and phenolic compounds (Bonita et al., 2007 as cited by Bae et al., 2014). As presented by Cornelis & El-Sohemy (2007) in their work, the act of drinking coffee is an impetus which motivates socialization in social activities or can even …show more content…

The intensity of a person’s alertness is different throughout the 24-hour day according to Jensen (2015). There are means to quantify a person’s alertness using the Optalert Alertness Monitoring System or OAMS and from this we can apply the results into both Johns Drowsiness Scale (JDS) which is an objective scale and the Karolinska Scale, compared to JDS this is subjective, to further understand the accumulated results from OAMS (Aidman, Chadunow, Johnson & Reece, 2015).
This study intends to recognize the value of the constituents of coffee by analyzing the effects and functions it has on second year biology students. It is tantamount to be enlightened about the effects of coffee since it is consumed by most of students and for working adults. Knowing the effects of caffeine on the human bodily functions could prove to be advantageous to its consumers based from past research and …show more content…

The consumers will be able to know exactly the effect and role of coffee in relation to alertness. This study will also provide information about the individual regarding the amount of consumption and number of times of consumption. This is relevant, especially to the youth, because the youth are primary consumers of coffee as they always consume coffee in order to accomplish tasks related to academics and knowing its effects on alertness and health is beneficial for the students as they can adjust their levels of consumption or look for alternatives base from the results of this

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