Essay On Coffee

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Coffee is among the most popular beverages in the world. It is a drink prepared from roasted coffee beans. The roasted beans are ground to a powder which you use to brew your favorite coffee. This drink can be prepared in a variety of ways and is usually serve hot. Iced coffee is also served. Coffee is somewhat acidic and has a stimulating effect because it contains caffeine. Coffee has been proven to be very healthy. It is loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients that can improve your health. Clinical research indicates that moderate coffee consumption is beneficial in healthy adults. Studies are continuing to determine whether long term coffee consumption lowers the risk of some forms of cancer or inhibits cognitive decline during aging.

A Coffeemaker is the cooking appliance commonly used to brew coffee. There are many different types of coffeemakers which use different brewing principles. The most common Makers use a process whereby coffee grounds are placed in a paper or metal filter inside a funnel. This is set over a ceramic or glass coffee cooking pot. Cold water is then poured into a separate chamber. The water is then boiled, and directed into the funnel. You pour out your hot cup of coffee.

10. Cuisinart 12 Cup Programmable Coffeemaker with Hot Water System …show more content…

This is a personal coffeemaker that brews 15 ounces of coffee directly into a stainless steel travel mug. This mug has a lid to keep your coffee hot, and rubber handle for a safe grip. It 's tapered to a 2.5 inch diameter bottom, so it can fit most vehicle cup holders. This coffeemaker is designed for an on the go coffee drinker. It has a permanent filter and shuts off automatically after brewing. The mug, filter, filter basket, and mug lid are dishwasher safe. The coffeemaker can also be used to heat water for hot chocolate, tea, and instant foods such as oatmeal and

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