Brand Essay

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A brand is a name, term, symbol or design or a combination thereof used to identify the goods or services of a seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Lux, Coca-Cola, Bata, Parker are examples of brands. A brand name consists of words, numbers or letters which can be pronounced, e.g., Safola, Maggi, Uncle Chips, etc. A brand mark refers to symbols, designs, marks, etc. which can only be seen but not pronounced, e.g.Guttu of Asian Paints, Devil of Onida.
• Individual Branding: Under this strategy, the firm uses a separate brand name for each product. The brand name of one product is not used for any other product. For example Proctor and Gamble uses Camay for soap, Ariel for detergent, head and …show more content…

Brand is a process of assigning a distinctive name or a symbol to a product in order differentiates it from competitive product. Brand helps to give a separate identify to a product its facilities advertising and price control. Brand helps to create loyalty to the product and builds reputation of the producer. Branded goods enjoy a wider market as the need for personal inspection or sample is avoided. By registering his brand, businessmen can protect himself from imitations. A good brand should be brief, simply, easy to spell and remember, attractive,and distinctive. Any brand is a set of perceptions and images that represents a company, manufactured goods or service. While many people refer to a brand as emblem, label line or auditory chorus, a brand is actually much larger. A brand is the essence or promise of what will be delivered or experienced. A brand differentiate a product form a similar other product and enables it to charge a higher payment, in return for a clear individuality and bigger confidence in its job. A brain is also likely to endure longer than just an indifferent manufactured goods. A brand is similar to a living being it has an identity and qualities, name, society, dream, sentiment and aptitude. All of these are conferred by the owner of the bran and need to be continuously looked at to keep the brand appropriate to the target it intends to sell

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