Branding, Pricing, and Distribution: Home Depot

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Once Home Depot’s marketing plan contains a thorough description of the scissor lift, it will then focus on the branding, pricing, and distribution of the lift. The plan will also need to include a product branding and pricing strategy, as well as examine how the pricing strategy supports the branding strategy. In addition, Home Depot will prepare a distribution channel analysis from which it will create a distribution strategy, determine whether the company is going to use a push or a pull strategy, and how the distribution strategy fits the product. Branding Strategy A brand is utilized by a company to differentiate its products from others in the market. Some techniques for accomplishing this are through the use of distinguishing logos, names, color schemes, and slogans. An effective branding strategy is one of the most important components for gaining a significant advantage in a progressive market. Basically, a company brand is its promise to its customers about what can be expected from its product and how it differentiates from the competitors. The branding strategy is the part of the marketing plan that explains how and to whom the company proposes on conveying its brand messages. It will also explain where the company plans to advertise and what it will publicize both visually and verbally (Williams, 2013). Home Depot’s marketing plan will contain domestic and global branding strategies and will be a collaboration of brand messages from both Home Depot and Reach the Top®. Home Depot, well-known by its big, bright orange box logo, is a retailor of numerous popular brands of construction and home improvement products. Reach the Top® manufactures a popular brand of ladders and scaffolding already sold by Home Depot, and... ... middle of paper ... ...urselfers. The distribution strategy identifies the major channels through which the product will delivered and pushed through to the consumers. Works Cited Distribution Channel. (2013). Retrieved November 18, 2013, from Investopedia: Iacobucci, D. (2012). Mm². (2nd ed., p. 59). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Markgraf, B. (2013). Distribution Channel Strategies. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from Suttle, R. (2013). Definition of Pricing Strategy. Retrieved November 16, 2013, from Houston Chronicle: Williams, J. (2013). The Basics of Branding. Retrieved November 17, 2013, from Entrepreneur:

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