Bio 101 I Caught Cheating

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While taking bio 101 I was caught cheating during an exam. This exam required no outside materials and I used my test review in another window for help on two exams. I didn't use it entirely, but I did use outside resources. I had a hearing where I acknowledged my actions and took full responsibility . In the hearing I was asked a series of questions which I answered truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I didn't feel threatened or judged I felt like I was being heard. During the test I wanted to get the best grade possible in the class, although I was doing well which the instructor stated to me via email, I just thought I needed to do even better. After being out of school for some time I was intimidated by the fast pace course. Things were due rather quickly and I had to study for other test and complete other assignments. I became overwhelmed with all that I had to do and the thought of not doing well in the class. What I've done to rectify this was set up a schedule where I completed assignments for each class day by day rather than wait until the last day to complete an assignment and have that pressure on myself. I set up a specific day to start assignments, another day to look them over, and a third day just to submit and see if I had completed everything. I feel as though this …show more content…

Had I not used outside resources I would've pulled an A in the class being that I only used the test review for 2 questions roughly in total. I learned my lesson and I won't use outside resources unless they are allowed. When I was asked my by instructor had I been cheating I immediately emailed him back that I had and he replied thanks for being honest and he took necessary actions. I didn't hesitate or try to make an excuse I realized I had been caught and I was in no way going to lie about

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