Throughout my life, I have strived to be a hard-working individual when it comes to school, my job, and family work. I always try to work quickly and efficiently, and make my work the best that it can be. Perfectionism is a major part of my life and that is one of the driving forces behind my hard work. Sometimes the drive to be perfect can limit my results, but I try my hardest to keep it from restricting me. I always give one hundred percent when it comes to completing various tasks, and find pride in being a hard-worker. When it comes to school, I have always been an “A” only student. I am slightly obsessed with my grades, and I have never had a “B” in my life. Originally, this pressure was put on by my parents, but now I am self-driven and I do not allow myself to have anything lower than an “A-”. Achieving no lower than an “A-” consists of lots of hard work and time management. Unlike many other students, I have always been one to complete my homework as soon as possible. Other students procrastinate and either don’t do their homework until late at night, or even the day …show more content…
During the school day, I always work my hardest to complete all of my homework, and if I end up bringing some home, I prefer to get it done as soon as possible. While working with my grandparents either in the garden or around the farm, I strive to impress them with my hard work and determination to get the job done. Even in my current job, I work hard to complete the given tasks correctly and also efficiently. Perfectionism is obviously incorporated in all of those working environments, and I believe that it pushes me harder and harder each day. As a result of my perfectionism the outcome of my work is usually the best it can be. Although it might limit me, I always give one hundred percent when it comes to completing various tasks, and find pride in being a hard
Worrying too much about grades can cause students serious problems like not really understanding the work, make them not feel smart enough and lose interest in school and can cause anxiety and other health issues. In the article Mr. Bains said “ Indeed, there are several problems with strategic learners” (Project Information Literacy October 10, 2012 page1/4). One of the problems is students don 't really understand what they are learning if once they reach that high grade they want they will just stop. I am very guilty of only performing for the grade because I did it all throughout high school. I was taught that getting an A was the highest grade you can get so once I reached that A I...
There is a student Emma, who has recently graduated from Austin High School, where 90/10 grading system is used; 90% of Emma’s grade is knowledge based with scores such as tests and projects, while her practice work such as homework is worth 10% of her grade. Emma, finds school somewhat easy and since homework was only 10% of her grade, so she often did not bother to do her practice work. Even though she did not do her homework through high school she managed to keep above a 3.00 GPA. When Emma enters college, she is shocked to see that she would have to complete homework, and that it would affect her grade drastically if she didn’t complete her homework. Emma is feeling unprepared and overloaded with work. She is not prepared for college,
extremely hard on myself if I forget something or make a mistake. If I am commended by an instructor, patient or nurse, I generally overlook the praise and focus on what I could do
My GPA is a 4.1000 and it teeters between 4.1500 and 4.1000. I haven't ever had a C and my grades are all A’s or A+’s. I also make sure I behave in class, so my work habits grades are also all A’s and A+’s. I’m consistently make sure that I keep my grades where they are and I always am striving for my best. If I do happen to get a grade I'm not fond of, I make sure that as soon as possible I get my grade back up to the desired A or A+. For instance, once I had a complex goal not met, so as soon as I could, I made sure I got my grade up. Now that goal is met and my grade for that quarter is A+. Even in the topics I don't enjoy as much, I make sure I work my hardest. I’m always trying to improve my grade with extra credits and 4.0 opportunities. This shows that I do meet the grade requirement for
When a task is assigned to me, I work tirelessly so I can complete it. I always push myself out of my comfort zone, doing much more than is expected of me. If I am not completely satisfied with what I have formed, I will do whatever I can to make it the best work I am capable of producing. When homework is assigned to me, I always make it my best
I found that some of the examples did not fit but in general I could relate to this as a strength theme. While I find myself sometimes having trouble focusing and waiting until a deadline is right in front of me, I do make sure to get things done. I almost always follow through and on the off chance I cannot, I make sure to make it up to that person one way or another. In these cases, I cannot apologize enough for my mistake and feel terrible about letting them down and not being able to follow through. It is my responsibility to own up to my actions and apologize for failures. Morals and ethics are a big part of this. If I find that something is going on that I cannot morally agree with, I will not support it. I believe in doing what is right at all times in effort to be responsible and a good asset to any team I’m on. Growing up, I had trouble saying no as I wanted to be involved in everything and take care of every task that came my way. I remember my dad telling me that I could be the person who tries all trades but masters none. While I still find myself volunteering for many things, I have learned to double check that I can take on a task or activity and do the best I can without causing trouble with my current involvements. I try to stay responsible by making sure that I don’t overdo it. Responsibility will definitely help me in the future as employers always look to make sure that employees are following guidelines and following through with what they say they will do. Enthusiasm to take responsibility will help me do a great
How to Deal With StressMany students go to school full time, and hold a part time job to earn money for school. Most students have about four classes, and each of the teacher’s of these classes gives an average of about an hour of homework each night; that averages out to four hours per night of homework, plus a part time job. School causes a lot of students stress because there are so many things to do, and so little time to do it. Stress is a normal part of everyone’s life; and is not a disease. It is not necessarily good or bad; however, reactions to stress can be harmful. Lack of time puts the stress on many students, and causes students to often procrastinate because they are constantly trying to meet deadlines and they don’t have the time to work on their assignments. Many students feel their grades are important; they need plenty of time to work on their work so they can do good. I can relate to them because if I get a low grade I get disgusted because I put a lot of time and effort in doing that assignment. But I think that a lot of the stress from school is caused, not only by the teachers, but also from the students to do well. Students put too much stress on themselves. A student just has to learn to manage their time well and just do as good as possible. Stress management involves the effort of that student to make emotional and physical changes.
My potential for success at the University of South Carolina will be driven by my perfectionism. This has motivated me in many aspects of my life, from spending hours just on the introduction of a paper to establish the right tone, to staying late after practice perfecting a float serve in volleyball. Throughout my school, I am known as a leader who will step up and take on any project necessary, from becoming President of Spirit Club and organizing spirit weeks and pep rallies, to becoming captain of the volleyball team as a junior. My perfectionism motives me to execute all of these projects to the best of my ability and make them the best they can be, down to the smallest detail. The attention to detail my perfectionism gives me is also
The Hardworking people have several superb characteristics. These types of people usually goes to work on time or maybe even five or ten minutes early to see what needs to be accomplished. During the day, it rarely happens that they have to be advised to do something twice. When they clean rooms or set-up computers, they do it to the best of their ability
Some people work very hard and they really enjoy their work, while others find work to be a chore, could at times feel that they are laboring though tasks. Another difference may be that others work very hard but they could become very competitive in their work. They may want to be better than their co-workers and that may lead them to become a slave to their work. Working extra time after your normal working hours could seem like labor even it is a job you enjoy. Sitting in the office late at night for the third night in a week you could end up feeling like you are laboring through a difficult project.
I have always been a hard-working person , since I was 5 I am able to get the job done when it needs to be done. I am very hard-working when it comes to dying or cutting hair. When you work hard on something it can get the job done faster. When you work on nails you have to be steady but not looking off the other direction so you don't mess up. 40% of hair stylist mess up every year because of working to fast. I also believe that every hair stylist has to be able to work hard in order to get the work
These points are just three of many that could be used to describe a hard worker, they are the three that I fell are the most important. With a good mix of knowledge, punctuality, and willingness to do a job well anyone can get a job. The idea to work hard is in everybody, it’s just finding a way to tap into that ability in yourself. Using these methods will help land a job and keep that job for a long time.
I believe that hard work is the real treasure of a person because without hard work we cannot achieve our dreams and goals in life. No one can achieve success without doing hard work. It starts when we stop looking for alternatives or shortcuts towards success. We need to remember that there are no short cuts to success. Hard work, complimented with an intense desire to struggle and to achieve success is the only sure way of reaching success that you have always wanted. Hard work is one of the secret for us to be successful in life. Laziness and sluggishness makes one’s life a curse and only hard work can make your life a blessing. We cannot work hard if we don’t have goals. The meaning of goal according to Wikipedia is a desired result of a
I do complete the tasks on given time and never give my boss a chance of complaint. Secondly, I am very trustworthy, loyal, and honest person. My friends and relatives value me for these characteristic traits because they know that I always act honorably and what to expect from me. I had always stood back and supported my friends and family during their good and bad times. Lastly, I am a very good listener. I always listen to others very carefully and attentively in a calm manner. In my culture, being a good listener reflects that a person shows respect to others and value their importance in their life. This also decreases the chances of misunderstanding in communication and also prevent conflicts from arising. So, all the above traits of mine will help me greatly in my profession of supporting and helping the people with
To start off, too much homework can be a huge time consuming monster. With what some students do after school, there simply isn’t enough time to