Big Food Benefits

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To begin, due to federal regulations, Big Food cannot claim their products prevent or cure any disease in advertisements. Instead, Big Food advertises their products as contributors to increased health and wellness. These claims are legal to advertise as long as they are supported by science or data. This combination of science and marketing redefined the notion of healthy food to change consumers’ and the governmental perceptions of certain products. The results of the increase of “health-promoting foods” is billion of dollars in profit for Big Food and multiple generation of confused consumers. In order to understand how Big Food reaps the benefits of these “health-promoting foods,” one must first understand how they obtain positive judgements about their products health benefits. …show more content…

A recent example of this was a Frosted Mini-Wheats® advertisement in 2009. The ad was described as follows in an article:
THE classroom teacher had just lost her place in the lesson when a child in the back row piped up. “We were on the third paragraph of Page 57,” the boy volunteered, “and you were explaining that the stone structures made by ancient Romans were called aqueducts.” Why so attentive? The voiceover in the TV ad explained: “A clinical study showed kids who had a filling breakfast of Frosted Mini-Wheats cereal improved their attentiveness by nearly 20 percent.”(Singer

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