Facing Bullies: The Strength in Compassion

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Chapter 8: Facing Bullies
If you are a victim of bullying then you are probably a strong person. However, this may not exactly be the strength you are used to perceiving as a strength.

You are strong because you are kind and compassionate. Most often than not, the trap of being a nice person sets you as a potential bully-victim and complicates your confrontation with the bully.

Bullies like “the challenge” of a strong person.

If by reading these lines you managed to see your own bully, that is great! That is a wonderful and vital step on the road to treating your bully with compassion and helping him be easier on you. You should be looking forward to great times ahead. You will finally be able to take that policeman in your head for a …show more content…

Because of the way we are socialized, there are some usual traps that you can fall into when you are trying to deal with bullies. If you want to ease down the burden of the long-lasting consequences produced by bullying and to help your child do the same, it is worth keeping an eye of these traps.
The trap of niceness is about the following belief:

“I don’t want to use the same tools that the bully uses to hurt me. I am not like the bully.”

Responding in an undesirable, violent and aggressive way does not make you the same. Sometimes, it is the only language the bully will understand. Often, it is what works the best.
The trap of toughness is about the following belief:

“No one can hurt me. I am a tough person. The bully’s words and actions don’t touch me.”

Bullying is a very undermining behavior, which produces long-term negative effects to self-esteem and mental health. There is only so much effort you can make to stay tough under someone’s attacks. It is okay to be soft, vulnerable, hurt and to allow or show that someone’s words and actions can hurt.
Not Asking for …show more content…

I don’t need anyone to help me.”

Being an independent and a mature person is excellent, but for life’s challenges like bullying, you really can’t do all yourself! If nothing else, a trained professional can offer a fresh perspective. At its best, professionals can help you grow and nurture your powers in a supportive way so that you set an example of a healthy power balance in your relationships.
Untimely Aggression
This one is tricky because it is a sum of the above behaviors.

If you try to handle a bullying situation that is above your limits, you can get yourself into situations where you have to respond in ways you didn’t expect to.

If there is any way in which you can prioritize the gentle approach, do it. By no means I suggest you resort to violence unless you have to. In time, as you become more aware of people’s motives and learn to recognize early signs of bullying from the people around you, you will find the right balance between pushing too strongly and being too

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