Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying

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For high school students bullying and harassment can make a time of learning and new social interactions a nightmare. The possibility of being physically or verbally bullied at school,, a place where student should feel safe, is a growing peril. Unfortunately, bullying is nothing new in the United States. As well as the problem of avoiding being a victim of bullying at school, students can not escape this harsh scrutiny because of the rise of social media networks. Teenagers are being harassed on social media at alarming rates and a majority of school can do nothing about it. To understand the role social media has in the battle to prevent harassment and cyberbullying, it is essential that people identify the roles schools and students play in these situations. The almost universal way someone would bully another would be face-to-face in which the victim would be much smaller both physically and emotionally than the person doing the bullying. The victim would would have two options: the victim could fight back and risk possible punishment as well as the bully or the victim …show more content…

For a student to have a successful education and time in highschool he student must feel comfortable in the learning environment. Schools have done a relatively adequate job in dealing with bullying that occurs at school, but it should not end there.What happens at home affects a student 's performance in school and that students attitude. Many times schools are left helpless when it comes to cases of cyberbullying and harassment on social media due to that school 's limits on its power. If a student 's attitude at school is stunted or the student is so distressed the thought of going to school is a nightmare, then the school must step in. From here, the next step is to involve the law enforcement to find a way to prosecute people who do harass or bully students on social

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