Being A Deviant Essay

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Being a conformist means to go along with the group no matter if it's morally or ethicly wrong. "We do this to make ourselves feel like we belong to a certain type of clique". For instance if you want to be a part of the popular clique "you will completely change the way you look, speak, and act." This is mainly compared to survival of the fittest, but socially rather then the necessity of being a hunter. Being deviant basicly means to go out of main stream and challenge the current. This is the base of individualism, and "the start of becoming your own person rather then just being a face in a crowd, you'll have a voice that can start a movement." Take for instance Mohondas Gandhi he had enough with the way the British were treating colored people of the British Empire he did not conform like most people did and just accept the mistreatment they were given. He made a mark on history for his bravery, courage, and being a deviant person standing up for what he believed in, as well as what he …show more content…

An example would be if a friend asked you to do something illegible like do some type of drug either a person conformes or, they are deviant and just say no. People tend to lean towards one way or the other it is rare that you find someone is just down the middle. It doesn't always have to be negative situations there are positives like asking someone and going to school dance this allows social interaction which is a positive conformity. A person can say no to doing something that sounds irrational, but after a bad day or a bad event occurred on that person they might agree to do the action without logicly thinking it over. "Uncontrollable factors cause the greatest separation between conformist and deviants." It also helps us determine which category we fall

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