Becoming An Adult

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When you are a child, from the minute you are born, you began to learn. You are constantly learning how to grow up. From learning how to brush your teeth to learning how to drive, you are constantly learning. When you finally become an adult, you want to be sure that you are ready for the world that you have to face. You especially need to be ready emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. To be emotionally ready you need to be mature enough to experience some of the things you might experience as an adult. Like you need to know how act when you are trying to get a job, or when you are trying to rent an apartment, or buy a house. You cannot act like a child when you are an adult. You cannot have a meltdown when something doesn’t go your way. You, also, need to be responsible enough not to do something stupid like drink and drive. You have responsibilities like getting to work on time, and doing everything you are asked to at your job and make sure it’s on time if it is required to be. You, also have to make the right choices. Like you have to know what the mature adult thing to do is in everyday situations. When you are growing up, you learn theses things. When you become an adult, you should be ready for the world emotionally. When you enter adulthood, you need to know what you believe. You need to know specifically what religion you are if you have one. You, also, …show more content…

Even if it is just simple things, like studying for an extra 10 minutes every night, or ordering on your own at a restaurant or paying for your own food. You can pay attention more in church or during a presidential election or watch the news more. Be aware that the day is coming when your parents won’t be around to hold your hand through life anymore. Just make sure that you are getting one step closer every day to learning about being an adult. It is coming faster than you

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