Self Awareness Essay

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PREFACE A vital way of becoming more effective in both business and life is by becoming more self-aware. If you can become aware of your self – your strengths and your weaknesses – then, you can become aware of the affects you create. Only once you know your effects can you know how to change them, or even whether you should. Implementing the guidelines in this book is the first step in a continual process of deepening your awareness of yourself and the affects you create. Becoming more effective can only deepen your rewards in both your professional and personal life. Preface Emotional Intelligence is defined as a set of competencies demonstrating the ability one has to recognize his or her behaviors, moods, and impulses, and to manage them best according to the situation. This book will give you the tools you need to be emotionally intelligent in your workplace. An employee with high emotional …show more content…

Understanding a situation through the eyes of another and strengthening self-management and self-awareness skills are tools that can be used in your quest to regulate your emotions. Seeing the Other Side If you ever want to understand the type of person you are and how you behave, ask other people. It is easy to justify the things you do, so much so that it seems like everything you do is perfect. If you take an honest look at yourself, you would probably say not only is this perfection untrue for you, but it is unattainable for all. Talk to your family, co-workers or friends about how they view you. If someone says, ‘When everything is good you are a nice person, but if something doesn’t go your way, you have an explosive temper’, don’t get upset and don’t automatically say that it is untrue. Gaining this insight is a valuable tool for you to help regulate your emotions. Your emotions and how you express them is your responsibility. If you don’t like it, fix it. Don’t Show Fake

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