Authoritarian Parenting Case Study

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Making headlines last week was the arrest of a set of parents, David and Louise Turpin, held 13 children captive some shackled and chained with padlocks. The arrest came after a seventeen-year-old girl escaped, with a deactivated cell phone. Police said the girl looked about ten. The children were malnourished and the house was dirty, with scratches in the door. The sister of the mother said she was cut off 2 years from contact, although family photos were continuing to be posted online. She also said Anti-social behavior start before they had children. The couple declared bankruptcy in 2011. Neither law enforcement nor child protective services had been called to the home. Neighbor described the parents as “standoffish—not in a mean way.” …show more content…

It is an extreme case of an authoritarian parenting, “my house, my rules” style. This style is also charactized by high control and low support. Chaining a child to furniture is the highest form of control I can think of. The condition of the children, malnourished and dirty, low support, in the case not even meeting based needs. Children coming out of these situation tend to be withdrawn, unmotivated and incompandent. Girl lean towards being shy and boys just angry. The children of Mr. and Mrs Turpin are facing these issues. Th13 kid may face conditions Posttraumatic stress disorder given this experience had to be a highly emotional event which could kicked the amygdala into high gear. That has been no “breaking incident” that I could find in the news report but if there was the children maybe have flashbulb memories, vivid images of the event and of factors that lead up to the incident. The captive child have years of therapy ahead of them, whether if be congnize, talk, therperies or biology thepies like Beta Blocker. Ancizty, trust issue and social skills will have to be address as they

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