Assignment 2: Can Sports Help Autistic Children

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Goal: Post about how sports help children with Autism
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Title: Sports Can Help Autism

If your child has an Autism Spectrum Disorder, you likely know the frustration of helping your child to be as normal and stable as possible. This will mean different things for each child, as they will all have individual difficulties and triggers, which can vary depending on the day, the environment, and your child’s level of overstimulation in that moment. Helping your child to reach his or her potential is both frustrating and gratifying, and unending.

Besides the negative behaviors that often come with having unmet needs, autistic children struggle with communication, socialization, and learning new skills, among other things. There are things that can help with all of these, and early intervention is key. You’ve …show more content…

Choose a sport where there are clear expectations and structure; where your child must bring the same equipment and be responsible for it each time; and where variations and unknowns such as opponents are at a minimum.

2. Choose a trainer or coach who has a good understanding of the special needs of your child. Speak to them about the importance of establishing a close relationship with your child where they will be able to know what triggers to watch for, how to give individualized positive reinforcement that will mean something to your child, and how to handle a meltdown. Consistency is key, so try to get on the same page with both discipline and positive reinforcement.

3. Choose a sport that provides ample imitative learning opportunities, with repetitive motion drills, where both physical and communication skills can be improved through constant reinforcement. Try to find a way to also make it fun for them. A good coach or trainer will be able to connect with, engage, and teach your child, as well as help bridge the gap between your child and

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