Army Life: A Challenging, Life Changing Experience

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Army life can be very challenging and a life changing experience. It was very challenging and life changing for me. I was raised by my Grandparents they did everything for me so this was a wakeup call for me on life. An independent person was not I, so I had problems with the changes about to come. Army life is constantly demanding and constantly changing without notice. Although the travel was exciting, army life for me was very challenging because I had to learn to adapt to a new system, to share my life with other soldiers, and to give up many of the comforts of home. Military life offered the exciting adventure of traveling around the world. For example, in my first five years, I was only in the states one time. During my army career, I traveled to Kuwait, then to Egypt, then to Ireland, to Germany, to Saudi Arabia, and finally to Korea. In the states, I have lived in California, Hawaii, Maryland, Philadelphia, Florida, South Caroline, North Carolina, New York, and Virginia. My orders will tell me where I will report to and whether it is state side or to another country....

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