Argumentative Essay: The Definition Of Human Virtue

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Argumentative Essay Final
Virtue is such an abstract concept that it is impossible for individuals or even societies as a whole to clearly and unequivocally define it, so there must be some form of a higher authority capable of defining human virtues tout court in order for such a thing to even exist. Because of the impact one's environment can have on his or her belief system there is a wide range of conflicting ideas regarding human virtue around the globe, which indicates that no intrinsic definition of human virtues exists for humans. Therefore, human beings alone are only able to speculate as to the nature of human virtue that cannot serve as concrete standards people must live up to as opinions generally do not have enough certainty to function as definitions. Thus, there must be a non-human higher power that outlines what is and is not thought to be excellent for all human beings, regardless of age, race, gender, or belief system.
For the purposes of this essay human virtue is defined as a trait or ability such that one who has that trait or ability would be considered excellent and thus virtuous by human standards. Additionally it is important to keep …show more content…

However, there are two distinct types of environments: healthy and unhealthy. Healthy environments impact a person's beliefs in a positive way so the person comes to see value and excellence in the qualities the society promotes. On the other hand, an unhealthy environment can lead to a person reacting against his or her society and taking up conflicting, and sometimes completely opposite, values. It is important to note, however, that healthy and unhealthy should not be taken as either inherently positive or negative in this context. An environment that can be healthy for one person may be unhealthy for another. They should be thought of in reference to an individual and whether that particular environment is healthy or unhealthy for that specific

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