From pursuing pleasure to avoiding pain, life seems to ultimately be about achieving happiness. However, how to define and obtain happiness has and continues to be a widely debated issue. In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle gives his view on happiness. Aristotle focuses particularly on how reason, our rational capacity, should help us recognize and pursue what will lead to happiness and the good life.';(Cooley and Powell, 459) He refers to the soul as a part of the human body and what its role is in pursuing true happiness and reaching a desirable end. Aristotle defines good'; as that which everything aims.(Aristotle, 459) Humans have an insatiable need to achieve goodness and eventual happiness. Sometimes the end that people aim for is the activity they perform, and other times the end is something we attempt to achieve by means of that activity. Aristotle claims that there must be some end since everything cannot be means to something else.(Aristotle, 460) In this case, there would be nothing we would try to ultimately achieve and everything would be pointless. An ultimate end exists so that what we aim to achieve is attainable. Some people believe that the highest end is material and obvious (when a person is sick they seek health, and a poor person searches for wealth).
Most people think that the highest end is a life of pleasure. Hedonists have defined happiness as " an equivalent to the totality of pleasurable or agreeable feeling.';(Fox, 3) Some pleasures are good and contribute to happiness. Not all ends are ultimate ends but the highest end would have to be something ultimate; the only conceivable ultimate end is happiness.
Happiness is perhaps the only clear ultimate end. Happiness is what we strive for by itself and not to get anything else. "So it appears that happiness is the ultimate end and completely sufficient by itself. It is the end we seek in all we do.';(Aristotle, 461) Mans' good is related to his purpose; the purpose of a man involves the actions of his soul (the soul being a part of his reasoning). By carrying out the activities of his soul and doing so with proper excellence and virtue, man is able to reach a desirable end.
Virtue, then deals with those feelings and actions in which it is wrong to go too far and wrong to fall too short but in which hitting the mean is praiseworthy and good….
From examining ends and goods, Aristotle formulates eudaimonia. He questions “what is the highest of all the goods achievable in action?” (Shafer-Landau 2013, 616). Aristotle argues that the majority of people agree that the highest good is achieving happiness, however, they disagree over what happiness actually is, for example, some claim t...
Domestic violence or intimate partner violence, is a pattern of threatening or controlling behavior that involves violence or other abuse. Domestic violence can be between a heterosexual or homosexual couple. Children who see or hear domestic violence from parents experience negative outcomes because it affects children negatively both mentally and physically. Domestic violence is already bad enough, but when children are exposed, it affects their growth. It traumatizes them and puts them in danger. I think that educating people over the signs of domestic violence is important. Domestic Violence is a very big problem. 5 million children witness some type of domestic violence. 40 million adult Americans grew up with some type of domestic violence
Domestic violence is a major problem in the United States. When most people think of domestic violence, they think of one person beating the other person in a relationship. Webster defines domestic violence as “the inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on another.” Domestic violence has a major effect on children. Some people say that the violence has no effect, while others argue that the violence has a negative effect on children. Domestic violence scars children for the rest of their lives. Once children witness the act of violence, they are more likely to have problems throughout the rest of their lives. Domestic Violence has a negative effect on the way children behave, the way they learn, the careers they choose,
According to research, 275 million children are annually exposed to domestic violence around the world (Miller et al., 2012). Ghasemi (2009), Martinez et al. (2009), and Owen et al. (2009) suggested that children exposed to domestic violence could experience a variety of internalizing and externalizing problems that can lead to negative outcomes. Internalizing problems such as anxiety and depression are commonly observed in children who are living with domestic violence (Moylan et al., 2009; Owen et al. (2009). Further, cognitive development can be affected by children’s exposure to domestic violence (Thornton, 2014; Graham-Bermann et al., 2010). Trauma symptoms can be developed early in life when children are exposed to violence at home (Martinez-Torteya et al., 2009). Moreover, children feel that the violent incidents are their fault and they blame themselves (Ghasemi, 2009; Owen et al., 2009). For instance, children tend to forget the domestic violence occurrence or express emotions though play to deal with the domestic violence events (Georgsson et al., 2011). Research illustrated that children are likely to develop physical problems such as bedwetting and sleep problems when exposed to violent acts (Thornton, 2014; Ghasemi, 2009). Likewise, physical development can be delayed and impacted because of domestic violence (Thornton, 2014; Ghasemi, 2009). Researchers found that children’s externalizing issues such as aggression, substance abuse, and inappropriate behavior at school are commonly observed in children that are impact with domestic violence (Ghasemi, 2009; Moylan et al., 2009; Owen et al., 2009). Additionally, children will display poor academic performance because of the reoccurring exposure to viol...
Further, Aristotle parallels the highest good with happiness: “As far as its name goes, most people virtually agree [about what the good is] … (and) call it happiness”(1.4.1095a17-19). In order for happiness to fit Aristotle’s definition of the good it must be “unconditionally complete” meaning “choiceworthy in itself”(1.7.1097a34) and “self-sufficient” meaning “lacking nothing”(1.7.1097b15). To be the highest good happiness will need to be the “mos...
1.) Aristotle begins by claiming that the highest good is happiness (198, 1095a20). In order to achieve this happiness, one must live by acting well. The highest good also needs to be complete within itself, Aristotle claims that, “happiness more than anything else seems complete without qualification, since we always…choose it because of itself, never because of something else (204, 1097b1). Therefore, Aristotle is claiming that we choose things and other virtues for the end goal of happiness. Aristotle goes on to define happiness as a self-sufficient life that actively tries to pursue reason (205, 1098a5). For a human, happiness is the soul pursuing reason and trying to apply this reason in every single facet of life (206, 1098a10). So, a virtuous life must contain happiness, which Aristotle defines as the soul using reason. Next, Aristotle explains that there are certain types of goods and that “the goods of the soul are said to be goods to the fullest extent…” (207, 1098b15). A person who is truly virtuous will live a life that nourishes their soul. Aristotle is saying “that the happy person lives well and does well…the end
Few would disagree that witnessing the assault of their mother is a very disturbing experience for children. However, not all children living with domestic violence witness the direct physical assaults on their mother but they will be acutely aware of the abuse she suffers. Children do not have to directly witness any violence to be profoundly affected by it. There is a wealth of research which has highlighted the negative impact witnessing domestic violence can have on children. Abrahams (1994) found that ninety one per cent of the mothers within her research thought their children had suffered negative effects due to domestic violence. Furthermore, eighty six per cent believed these negative effects continued into adolescence.
Domestic Violence is a world-wide epidemic that has been affecting our families for centuries. In many countries, around the world, domestic violence is a way of life and is not considered an important matter nor a crime. Also, most cultures consider it customary due to ancient believes that women are inferior to men. Domestic violence have a tremendous effect on an individual’s mental health and psychological development; especially, when it has been experienced from early childhood through adolescence and adulthood. Children are often the most susceptible when a violent confrontation takes place; as they become a destined target when an argument is physically manifested. Children are defenseless
First is the Benedict’s test for reducing sugars which determines if a carbohydrate contains a free aldehyde or ketone group. When Benedict’s reagent is heated with a reactive sugar the color of the reagent changes. The initial solution color of the Benedict’s regent is sky blue. Depending on the number of available sites for the reaction to occur, the reaction will result in a solution that may range from green to yellow to orange to brick red, a red precipitate may form if more time is allowed. The test will only show a positive reaction for starch if the starch has been broken down to maltose of glucose. ("BIO 1510 Laboratory Manual," 2016)
Aristotle feels we have a rational capacity and the exercising of this capacity is the perfecting of our natures as human beings. For this reason, pleasure alone cannot establish human happiness, for pleasure is what animals seek and human beings have higher capacities than animals. The goal is to express our desires in ways that are appropriate to our natures as rational animals. Aristotle states that the most important factor in the effort to achieve happiness is to have a good moral character, what he calls complete virtue. In order to achieve the life of complete virtue, we need to make the right choices, and this involves keeping our eye on the future, on the ultimate result we want for our lives as a whole. We will not achieve happiness simply by enjoying the pleasures of the moment. We must live righteous and include behaviors in our life that help us do what is right and avoid what is wrong. It is not enough to think about doing the right thing, or even intend to do the right thing, we have to actually do it. Happiness can occupy the place of the chief good for which humanity should aim. To be an ultimate end, an act must be independent of any outside help in satisfying one’s needs and final, that which is always desirable in itself and never for the sake of something else and it must be
...removing absorbed nutrients. Last but not least, is the hormone enterocrinin. Enterocrinin is also released when chyme enters the duodenum, however, it helps with mucin production. Mucin comes in various forms and one of those forms is saliva.
Happiness is the ultimate goal for everyone in life. Aristotle's definition of " happiness is happiness is the activity of the soul in accord with perfect virtue. To become a better person, we must practice virtuous acts regularly. After a while, these acts will become a habit and so the virtuous acts. part of our every day life and the person will be leading a virtuous life.
Aristotle defines the highest good as that end which we seek for itself and for no other end. His reasoning is that there must be such an end, for if there was not, we would never seek any goal for itself (and thus never get to our ultimate goals) (NE I.2.1094a.20-25). This end was the way to live a good life. In Book I, chapter four, Aristotle argues that happiness is the highest good of all actions, which is to say that living well amounts to living happily (NE I.4.1095a.19-21). Aristotle then goes on at length about different accounts of which life constitutes the happy life (i.e. the life of pleasure vs. the life of virtue vs. the life of study) and then goes on to reject Plato’s theory of forms (a topic that will not be covered in this paper). He then returns to the subject of happiness in chapter seven and further characterizes it by saying that “[it] is apparently something complete and self-sufficient, since it is the end of the things pursued in action” (NE I.71097b.20-21). This is to say that other higher-order goods are themselves for happiness and happiness is for itself and itself only. At last, then, Aristotle gets to the discussion about the f...
The pursuit for happiness has been a quest for man throughout the ages. In his ethics, Aristotle argues that happiness is the only thing that the rational man desires for its own sake, thus, making it good and natural. Although he lists three types of life for man, enjoyment, statesman, and contemplative, it is the philosopher whom is happiest of all due to his understanding and appreciation of reason. Aristotle’s version of happiness is not perceived to include wealth, honor, or trivial
Happiness can be viewed as wealth, honour, pleasure, or virtue. Aristotle believes that wealth is not happiness, because wealth is just an economic value, but can be used to gain some happiness; wealth is a means to further ends. The good life, according to Aristotle, is an end in itself. Similar to wealth, honour is not happiness because honour emphases on the individuals who honour in comparison to the honouree. Honour is external, but happiness is not. It has to do with how people perceive one another; the good life is intrinsic to the...