Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?: The Insider on Social Networking.

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Did you know that 82% of the world uses networking sites? This is a significant amount of people, not only in the United States either. I am talking 5,000,000,000 people worldwide. There is such a wide range of social networking sites used for numerous things. In this essay I will be conversing about the great impact that social networking sites on our society. Social networking sites have a positive effect on our society. Statistics show that, "59% of students with access to the Internet report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics and 50% use the sites to talk about school assignments." Along with that, "20% of students school-wide voluntarily completed extra-credit assignments." See, this right here goes to show that, social networking site have a positive impact in our society. Students are using the website for their schoolwork and it is improving their grades too. Many kids participated in taking extra credit assignments voluntarily. Over half of the students also said that they use sites to discuss educational topics and talk about their schoolwork with other kids. This is a great interaction. Did you ever take time out to acknowledge all of the adults who use the social networking sites around you? If you, you would probably know what they are using it for. "70% of adult social networking users visit the sites to connect with friends and family, and increased online communication strengthens relationships." In addition, "88% report that social media helps them stay in touch with friends they cannot see regularly, 69% report getting to know students at their school better, and 57% make new friends." This is a positive thing, because it helps our society help ad connect with each other. We all ... ... middle of paper ... without commenting, because they have no one to talk to on the social site, so there will be no need for commenting. For some it has lowered their self-esteem, because they feel like they do not matter on these sites and no one wants to pay attention. In conclusion, to that, social networking sites have a negative impact on our society. However, with the evidence that the counter claim made was precise, it has not changed my mind. I maintain my claim that social networking sites have a positive impact on our society, because I feel that the counter claim was not strong enough to change my mind. I feel that social networking sites have a more positive impact on our society that negative. Therefore, I recommend that social networking sites be established. So when these sites are up and running we can have more way to interact with our society on a positive level.

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