Essay On Effects Of Social Media On Students

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The Effects of Social Media on Students Masuma Ahuja, journalist from the Washington Post, said “Teens today, also known as the Facebook Generation or ‘digital natives,’ are part of the first U.S. generation to be so closely identified with technology (Ahuja 3).” Many people believe that social media tends to distract students. With the increasing technological advances, students are encouraged and even required to take part in social media. Social media is a part almost many aspects of a teens life. Social media applications such as Instagram, twitter, snap chat, Facebook, vine, and many more are changing the way teens are interacting which can result in academic struggles. Social media is having a negative affect on students by distracting them from their work and prohibiting them from using their full potential in the classroom and at home. The problem with social media is that it is becoming so big and a huge distraction. Studies show that fifty six percent of everyone in America has some sort of social media application. Considering babies and seniors probably don’t have access to a phone, this is a huge number. For the amount of individuals that have phones the percentage that have social media is quite high (insert amount of people). Not only has the amount of people on social media has increased, it will continue to increase for a very long time. One problem students face, resulting in lower grades, is the distraction that social media has the ability to cause in school. The desire to go on social media in class, results in students not paying attention and eventually lower test scores. (Lederer 1) At some schools teachers are oblivious to the fact that students are on Instagram, twitter, and many other applications f... ... middle of paper ... ...well as creating more reasons not to want to go to school and face their bully (Osborne 1). Although not all students are connected or using social media, most are. This is a trend that is only on the incline and probably will not fall for a while. Others on the opposing side feel that students use social media in positive ways that benefit their lives. Which in reality it causes students’ grades to lower and their work to be weaker by not expressing their full potential, just going through the motions, and getting work done. Also, social media brings up issues such as cyber bullying which causes students to have academic struggles. Social media definitely a good communicate and does have several upside including, expressing emotions, staying connected with friends, coordinating plans and much more bonuses. It is overall a distraction to the teenage generation.

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