Are Social Networking Sites Good For Middle School Essay

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Are social networking sites good for middle school students?
In 2017, 81 percent of the U.S. population had a social media profile (Top U.S. mobile social apps by users 2017 Statistic). Social networking sites are online platforms that people use to build relationships with people that they have similarities with. According to Vangie Beal, who wrote, “social networking site”, she stated that, social networking sites are any websites that allows its users to create public profiles within that website and it makes communication easier. They can be used for businesses purposes or social purposes and some examples of them are Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram. These public profiles might include biographical information, blogs, comments, photos, …show more content…

Many students have a harder time focusing on their work when they could be using social networking sites and the quality of their work isn’t as good as it could be because of this. 31% of teens say that using social networking media while doing their homework time reduces the quality of their work (Social Networking ProCon.Org). However, it can help students do better in school because it lets them communicate and it reduces the risk of students dropping out. According to, who provided the article, “Are Social Networking Sites Good For Our Society?” states that, 59% of students that have access to the internet report that they use social media to discuss educational topics 50 percent use social media to talk about school assignments. Middle school students can use social networking sites as a form of communication for things such as projects that involve partners. These sites can help improve a students behavior because it also helps students obtain social acceptance which may play a important role in improving their learning outcome (Impacts Of Social Networks On Social Behaviour). Due to the students behavior improving, they might have better relationships with their teachers and classmates which could make school an easier time for them. Especially due to the fact that so many students use social networking sites it could be faster and easier to communicate with other

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