Another Remote Island

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When I was 15 I fell in love with a boy, who spilled d a drink on me at a party. “I’m so sorry about that … my name’s C by the way,” he said. “Oh wow, it’s ok … and I’m Nadine” I replied. “So nice to meet you, see you around” he said and we stared at each other for a while and then continued on. Until I met him, I was going through something with another boy that I never thought I could get over. But with C, there was an immediate connection between us. His best friend tried to get us to hookup that night, but I didn’t know much about him and got nervous so I didn't go for it. Immediately I regretted my decision, because I thought I’d never see him again. I told my best friend H that I thought he was totally, magically, insanely gorgeous. I wanted him to be mine and she wanted me to have him. She told me to go for it, but that she thought he was gross and rude. But, still, she was supportive. I turned 16 on September 6th, and a couple days after I guess I received a late birthday gift. I walk past the headmaster’s office to see him completing some paper work. He had transferred to my high school to complete his high school career. He waved and my heart melted. I thought I’d never see him again. Months of our insignificant flirting passed by. He invited me to his parties, but I never went. I was too nervous, always. More time passed, it’s spring break now, and I’m 16 years old. I’m on this remote island with H and our other friends. H and I sneak away and go to the Jacuzzi for a little. We start to talk about her relationship with C’s best friend and how she would help me get him to be mine. While we soaked she began to tell me about how cute she thought C was. I joked around and told her to promise me that she’d never go for him,... ... middle of paper ... ...I completely shut myself off from her and many others after the betrayal because I hadn’t ever pictured things getting so out of hand. I didn't think she could ever hate me so much as to completely break my trust, go behind my back, and be with the one boy that I had wanted. As Jay Z continues, he says, “You ripped out my heart and you stepped on it”. He is talking about his former business partners and friends here, and how they threw dirt on him when he was down. This reminds me of the countless amount of time I had spent to try and fix the problems between H and I before everything got really ugly. She hadn’t cared and hadn’t made an effort. She dropped me completely. The sick this was that I still loved her so much and she let me go with no care. I spent days, weeks, and months crying about everything we had lost and she continued on without a care but herself.

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