Ancient Egypt Math

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Egyptian Math What is Egyptian Math? Well, it is the first mathematics made by a civilization called Egypt. The egyptians solved the first quadratic equations and algebraic equations. For example, The egyptians used the base 10 numeration system as early as 2700 B.C.E. This helped them calculate distances and even helped them build the pyramids. They also created an early form of algebra called “Pefsu”. They used Pefs to distribute food to people in even ways. This helped them create an amazing agriculture to help them survive. Geometrical Progressions Model of Base 10 numeration. The use of Horus eye fractions or just “Fractions” shows geometrical Progression. For example, the egyptians used to simplify fractions like ½=50% or Half of a loaf of bread. These terms were also used with exponents like ½+n=?. We in fact still use the …show more content…

Well in ancient textbooks it states that Egyptians made math to distribute equal amounts of food to people. As we can clearly see, this was one of the reasons why their civilization was so advanced for their time. Also, it states that the egyptians made math by splitting food and naming them by “fractions” (ex” ½,⅙ and ⅔.) After this advancement, they were able to stride high in agriculture because they knew how much food they had to grow for everyone who lived there. How did Egyptian Math affect us? Egyptian math affected us in so many ways, Starting of I wanted to state that the egyptians were way ahead of their time. So many of their advancements contributed to the world of math and science in many ways. Starting with their math, Egyptians used complex and diverse set of mathematical algorithms to make things. They made fractions to distribute equal amounts of food to people. They made exponents so they didn't have to use long math equations. They made Algebra, this helped them build the pyramids and create many wonders of the

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