Analysis of a Printed Advertisement for Oxy Duo Pads

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Analysis of a Printed Advertisement Introduction ============ The point of a magazine advertisement (or any advertisement) is to attract your attention and persuade you to buy their product. Another issue is that all advertisements have a target audience; this is basically a certain group of people the company is aiming for to sell their product. This advertisement that I am analysing is about a cosmetic called Oxy Duo Pads. It is said to be able to get rid of spots because it 'clears the dead skin grease and grime out of my pores.' Target Audience =============== This advertisement is aimed at teenagers and from a stereotypical point of view you could say is aimed at teenage girls because it is said that women care more about the way they look. It is aimed at teenagers because it is well known that teenagers develop acne during that period. The advertisement is also in colour. This is more likely to attract teenagers than if it was in black and white. Layout ====== The design is very large with the whole picture shaped as a television screen. This also suggests that it is for teenagers because it is thought that teenagers watch the most television. The colours are repeated over and over again in places like the braids in the girl's hair and the highlighted words. They also are bright and eye catching. These colours are also the same colours on the container of the product that helps the buyer know what there're looking for. The font is quite bold and large. Its all written in capitals and looks like it's been handwritten, but it also bears a slight resemblances to graffiti. The... ... middle of paper ... ... like it because of her dress sense. Through I know it's to remind the reader of the colour, it still is not very attractive. The advertisement could have appealed to males as well by maybe having a beautiful looking girl or a girl wearing something sexy. Because of the plainness of her makeup and clothes it doesn't make much impression with male readers and could have made a better impression on the female readers. Though it is a good advert, it is easy to see that we are being manipulated and are seeing only one side of the argument. For example, the advert says that their product will get rid of spot, but they fail to mention that it will dry up your skin over a long period of time of extensive usage. On the whole I feel the advertisement was a success and would have easily brought in lots of buyers.

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