Analysis: The Erotic Individualistic

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The Erotic Individualized The Erotic is one thing that is always on all living human minds just like eating is when one is hungry or sleeping when one is tired. There are beliefs that some people agree with and some that don’t for example; men and women may not have the same opinion on how the erotic affects both of their genders. Many men believe that it makes them sit in a more powerful position, a position where women need them to fill this erotic feeling. Although, women needing men for such a thing is an argument worth fighting because, women are just as capable of taking care of themselves just as men do. Individualism is a trait that women all over the world have started to increasingly embrace, thriving with the amazing feeling that it allows them to feel. “Uses of the Erotic” encourages individualism. Women have a deep power within them that encourages them shine on their own. Lorde says “The erotic is a resource within each of us that lies in a deeply female and spiritual plane, firmly rooted in the power of our unexpressed or unrecognized feeling” (Essay given to us in class). Encouraging women to become independent the erotic gives women a feeling like no other, although they …show more content…

Something Lorde did not try to hide as she says “It is never easy to demand the most out of ourselves, our lives, our work (Blah). One must go farther then they ever have before, naturally letting down their guard so that they can experience the erotic feeling and embrace it. Confusing the impossible with the possible is common, but finding the erotic is something that everyone can be successful at. The erotic opens up the doors of capability and shows all the possibilities it has in store for those who determined enough. The erotic is self empowerment, happiness, excitement, sadness, disappointment and everything in between. It is exactly what everyone believes it to be and so much

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