Summary Of Sexuality And Asexuality

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In the second chapter, The A, B, C, and Ds of Sex (and Asex), Brock University Associate Professor and Asexuality author, Bogaert, examines “some of the fundamental psychological processes of asexuality as they relate to both sexual and asexual people.” Throughout this section, Bogaert explains the “A (attraction and arousal), B (behavior), C (cognition), and Ds (desire)” by going through each letter and explaining what it stands for. He tries to get the younger readers to understand the definitions of asexuality by aiming focus on the constituents of sexuality first. The similarities between sexuality and asexuality are outlined throughout this reading. Surprisingly enough, Bogaert explains the differences and the relationship between romantic and sexual bonds and how they appear in asexual people as well. References to Kurt Freund’s studies to “assess sexual arousal in men and women” and Alfred Kinsey’s “sexual orientation” scale are made to further explain how sexuality and asexuality are not solid concepts with strict definitions of their own but rather more multifarious. For …show more content…

She goes on to talk about the common “coping mechanism” used by LGBTQ members pretending that nothing is wrong because they are given minimal “support” by family. This support includes that they are “not excluded from family event” and that their partner would be allowed into the house. Schulman discusses her own personal experiences from her teachings at the City University of New York. For example, she states that her students “defend people who are hurting them” and “support systems that oppress them” which compares to what gay people go through with their families since they would not want to go against them but are being hurt in the

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