Analysis Of Myers-Briggs Personality Test

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After taking the Meyers-Briggs Personality Test, I determined my Jung Typology was ISTJ (introvert sensing thinking judging) by taking the Jung Typology Test (2016). Based on the test, I had a moderate preference for all of these, except sensing, which I only had a slight preference for sensing over intuition. Research was conducted using the website and Type Talk at Work textbook to evaluate the accuracy of the personality type in the test. Based on the research and my personal evaluation, the test accurately captured my personality. From the research I learned specifics about my qualities and preferences which will help me better perform as an employee, co-worker, and manager. Myers-Briggs Personality Test Results …show more content…

As an introvert, I prefer to operate internally in order to solve problems. I must turn internally to recharge after engaging in the external world for long periods of time (Personality Page, 2016). This is most evident in my current job where my supervisor is an extrovert who solves problems through verbal discussion; I feel his problems become my problems (Facer, 2015). During these interactions I participate, but afterwards I wish to have silence to contemplate the topics discussed. Sensing. As a sensor, I prefer to analyze information in a concrete and literal fashion. I find a strength of mine is collecting detailed data when observing situations; a quality that was natural and useful during my undergraduate studies of civil engineering. However, my sensing preference was minor (Jung Typology Test, 2016) because I have developed my intuition as an Army officer where I make many decisions with limited data; a quality I must continue to improve, especially as I continue to move to higher levels of …show more content…

Knowing myself is vital because “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10, NIV). I can use this knowledge to improve my performance and relationships in order to advance the organization. Because God is involved with everything I do, my efforts to improve the organization have everlasting consequences and purpose (Fischer, 2009). Organizational Behavior. Because collaboration is key to organizational success, understanding how different personality types function will help me to become a better employee, co-worker, and manger. Employee. Because I have a strong sensing personality, I prefer simple and concise goals that have practical application (Kroeger, Thuesen, & Rutledge, 2002). However, managers must create inspirational and challenging goals in order to achieve organizational progress. By knowing this, I can learn to identify the manager’s ultimate goals and in turn implement

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