Adherence To Support Therapy Essay

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A simple Google search on ways to assist or “make” substance abusers change brings up many articles and supported research. As our courseware material and articles outline it is not Best Practice for the counsellor to “make” the clients change, but for the counsellor to see clients as the major driving force behind their change or support a client driven approach.. There are a number of reasons why it is important counsellors need to be client driven and one reason is that it helps in the client adhering to their choice of treatment. Adherence or participation in treatment can be associated with improved positive outcomes, if a client does not adhere to a mode of treatment there will be no different outcomes and certainly no change. Within the framework of motivational interviewing sources of adherence are addressed and a competent counsellor can review, predict and understand the influences effecting adherence, whilst allowing the client to be in the driver’s seat. If clients have a say and “buy into” their choice of treatment they are more likely to adhere to the program, be co-operative and willing to participate, as well be engaged as they are investing not only themselves in the program but also control the pace and intensity of the program/treatment (Zweben, 2002) …show more content…

The therapist no longer needs to be the force of change, or considered the “teacher or master of knowledge” but more to be a guider and skilled helper that moves alongside and with the client. Also, being client driven shifts the imbalance of power and allows for the client to take possession of their treatment direction. This in turn should reduce attrition, attrition, is when a client leave the treatment session before their goals have been achieved (Pierce,

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