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Principles of supervision
Importance of supervision
Ethical code of behaviour
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Recommended: Principles of supervision
Supervision plays a significant role in shaping the ethical health and professional standards of a workplace. It is crucial for a supervisor and supervisee to be productive and to complete all the guidelines required. A supervisor plays a major role in protecting clients and improving the ability of counselors to provide value to their clients. Adequate Feedback and Evaluation First of all, I am concerned that my supervisor will not provide me with adequate feedback and that they will break ethical codes. Feedback is information that supervisors communicate to supervisees. Feedback plays a significant role in training supervisees. Not receiving proper feedback from your supervisor can cause ethical and legal issues. A professional should always demonstrate ethical behaviors. According to the ACA Code of Ethics “counselor educators provide students with ongoing feedback regarding …show more content…
Often supervisors do not provide adequate supervision. According to a survey “many practicum students report they don't receive adequate supervision and others express feeling undervalued or ridiculed as trainees, which may cause them to be reluctant to approach their supervisors to discuss shortfalls” (Tracy, 2006). The supervisee should take responsibility for his or her long-term goals and needs during supervision. I would take the initiative to regularly check in with my boss on progress and any key points that are critical for my job. It is important to take the initiative to show them how valuable and productive you are and to ask for feedback. The supervisee and supervisor need to develop a trusting relationship that enhances the ability of the supervisee to develop and improve clinical skills to deliver good care to clients. With the help of an experienced supervisor, the supervision process can be a challenging growing process for the supervisee and rewarding for the
Having clinical supervision also gives the practitioner time to identify training to continue their development needs within the work place (Quality care commission,2013). According to the Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Clinical supervision is vital in achieving and maintaining a high-quality practice which is safe and effective you should be promoting a good experience to the patient. This trust believes it would be best if clinical supervision was available to all clinical staff whether they are registered or not (Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation, 2014). Supervision should include tasks such as having education and being able to develop skills essential for any tasks you will be involved in, you should always have guidance within your clinical area, if you need support and counselling this should always be available, if you are experiencing problems in care you should always be able to find assistance to help you with these difficult times and also at any given time you should be able to have a discussion on your skills and qualities that you need in the appropriate
Clinical Supervision is the life wire of any health are professional. It is the on the job teaching that takes place between the supervisor and supervisee. It is a lifelong learning used for personal and professional development which is useful both in nursing education and clinical practice. Its benefit cannot be overemphasized as it is known to improve job satisfaction and prevention of stress /burnout. Supervision is important because it allows the novice to gain knowledge, skill and commitment.
Supervisors, running a company, need to have 100% accountability of their employees. This is so that if someone else asks about a certain employee, the supervisor can give an accurate record of when the employee came in, where they can be found, and when their shift ends.
Introduction What does it mean to be an effective supervisor? Before taking this class, I thought that if a supervisor is able get their employees to work effectively, and efficiently, then the person is an effective supervisor. I didn’t realize until taking this class that supervisors do so much more. After learning more about the other tasks supervisors do like planning, being effective listeners, and motivating employees, I have a better understanding of effective supervision. I am aware that I have had supervisory experiences.
However, I am certain no one anticipates an ethical dilemma when entering into a supervisor/supervisee relationship. In the ACA Code of Ethics, F.6.a. it says “document and provide supervisees with ongoing feedback regarding their performance and schedule periodic formal evaluative sessions throughout the supervisory relationship”. With the heavy workload most supervisors have, I can foresee supervisees not receiving feedback on their performance. Having feedback is so important, because it will help the counselor grow. If I am in a situation where I am not receiving evaluations as promised, I will nicely talk to my supervisor about this. If nicely addressing the issue doesn’t change anything, I will send an email quoting this section of the ACA and request evaluations. I was neglected in my supervision for my CADC, and I didn’t realize how much that hurt me until I received real supervision in Internship. I am hoping for that same experience during my time as an
...r me to express how I am doing. The best way to utilize supervision is to know how to debrief effectively. Knowing what is triggering, what is stressful, and if the coping techniques are working, are important things to discuss during supervision. Utilizing colleagues within the agency is also a great support system. Even if you are not able to discuss the case, coworkers can still understand and help debrief feelings related to a case.
Mandatory ethics is the level of functioning where the counselor is abiding by the basic “do’s and don’ts” of professional counseling. These are definitive codes that will protect a counselor from legal action and professional censure. All mental health professionals will be held accountable by the minimum standards set by state licensure boards and courts of law. Issues addressed by the Code of Conduct of the American Psychological Association (APA) include, but are not limited to, competence, human relations, confidentiality and fees. (American Psychological Association, 2002)
When someone asks “do you mind if I offer you some feedback?”, you immediately think that you did something terribly wrong. You don’t know whether to feel proud or to feel ashamed, or even feel like you’ve been attacked and need to defend yourself as much as possible. Difficulty with accepting criticism is nothing new; in fact, it is more common than you think. We are often criticized after completing anything from simple tasks to the most complex projects we can accomplish. Common examples of what we are criticized for are: work ethic, creative works such as music, television, articles, etc., and for any mistake, small or large, we make during our day-to-day lives. Anybody can give constructive
It is imperative for supervisors to focus on what is required in order for his/her employees to accomplish their job. They must be supportive of their employees and provide continual feedback on their job performance .Supervisor need to include their employees when making changes that effect they way they perform their jobs or finding new way to do things that were problematic. Supervisors should give their employees more responsibly to make them feel more valued and powerful. There is also a major need for promotion, pay increase and compensation system (educational reimbursement, vacation incentives etc.
In my practicum plan I stated that I would evaluate the completion of the goals I hoped to accomplish by taking and observing notes of myself while on duty. Instead of taking notes about myself, which seemed ineffective, I received feedback from the manager and other employees. I gathered and applied the feedback given and it helped me achieve the goals and objectives I wanted to achieve. I intended on asking the practicum supervisor for critiques or an intern assessment, but I did not get the chance to. However, my practicum supervisor helped by correcting me when I did a task incorrectly. For example, when operating the popcorn machine, I should always stand near it because the popcorn could burn
The positive feedback provided me with things my respondents believe I should continue doing. Some respondents noted that I am confident and motivated. The results also showed that my respondents think I am efficient. Another response was that I adapt to change well. Other words like cheerful, encouraging and fun to be around were some of the positive responses received. Great communication is also something noted that I should continue to do. My responses showed that I am a hard worker. According to the respondents of the survey, I am a good listener and very supportive of others. These responses helped to boost my confidence because they helped me to know that there are things that I am good at and things that I should continue doing. It is also nice to known that people notice little things about you that are positive.
The basic knowledge about supervision theories and processes would help them transition into a supervisory role. Even at sites that do not ask internship students to be supervisors, they are usually asked to take a part in a supervision group where they hear other clinicians’ cases and give feedback. In such situations, students need to demonstrate interpersonal skills, clinical skills, theoretical knowledge, and skills in giving constructive feedback. I believe that information provided in this course would assist them to be successful in these supervisory and consultant roles at their
According to University of Reading (2012), “Feedback can improve a student's confidence, self-awareness and enthusiasm for learning.” Feedback is important because it helps student understand their progress whilst achieving goals. Goal can be anything for instance to pass with good grades, to learn and understand the topic etc. Feedback helps to identify your strengths and weaknesses. For example, imagine yourself learning to play basketball, you have a coach who is guiding you and providing constant feedback on your progress versus you teaching yourself; big difference in terms of monitoring and feedback isn't it?
Feedback is a type of communication that we give or get. Sometimes, feedback is called "criticism," but this seriously limits its meaning.
...all group projects and learning activities into our daily practice. Some of the students require more descriptive and corrective feedback to meet their needs during individual and group projects. Those who are performing on grade level may receive more evaluative or improvement-oriented feedback. The higher achieving students may engage in the process of peer feedback to obtain ideas and suggestions.