Adequate Feedback's Role In The Workplace

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Supervision plays a significant role in shaping the ethical health and professional standards of a workplace. It is crucial for a supervisor and supervisee to be productive and to complete all the guidelines required. A supervisor plays a major role in protecting clients and improving the ability of counselors to provide value to their clients. Adequate Feedback and Evaluation First of all, I am concerned that my supervisor will not provide me with adequate feedback and that they will break ethical codes. Feedback is information that supervisors communicate to supervisees. Feedback plays a significant role in training supervisees. Not receiving proper feedback from your supervisor can cause ethical and legal issues. A professional should always demonstrate ethical behaviors. According to the ACA Code of Ethics “counselor educators provide students with ongoing feedback regarding …show more content…

Often supervisors do not provide adequate supervision. According to a survey “many practicum students report they don't receive adequate supervision and others express feeling undervalued or ridiculed as trainees, which may cause them to be reluctant to approach their supervisors to discuss shortfalls” (Tracy, 2006). The supervisee should take responsibility for his or her long-term goals and needs during supervision. I would take the initiative to regularly check in with my boss on progress and any key points that are critical for my job. It is important to take the initiative to show them how valuable and productive you are and to ask for feedback. The supervisee and supervisor need to develop a trusting relationship that enhances the ability of the supervisee to develop and improve clinical skills to deliver good care to clients. With the help of an experienced supervisor, the supervision process can be a challenging growing process for the supervisee and rewarding for the

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