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The role of leadership in our society
Leadership in our society
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In this module, I believe the most important concept in being an adaptable leader is Cognitive Flexibility. Cognitive Flexibility are people that have the ability to adapt their thoughts to unexpected change to their workplace and life. I truly believe that cognitive flexibility is important to me since it is an area that I can always improve on.
I believe Cognitive Flexibility is an important concept, for the purpose of I am able to observe my environment and to identify potential changes in the future. Also, I willing to create new plans when changes come down from supervisors or leadership. While having the ability to recognize and comprehend unexpected events it will then help me adapt to them. This will, in turn, give me the ability
“Adaptive leadership is an approach to command based on the situation and factors such as mission, Soldier capabilities, geography, weaponry, and more. This ‘reality on the ground’ approach to leadership can give you as an Army leader both a strategic and a tactical ( ).” Winston Churchill was an adaptive leader in London during World War II. Prime Minister Churchill was a key part in the Allies victory over the Axis power due to his ability to rally not only his countryman but also rally the leader of another nation such as the United States or Russia into fighting Hitler. It’s evident what type of leader he was by just this one quote “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” Prime Minister Churchill exemplifies the characteristics and factors of adaptive leadership. He was like an Old English Bulldog -, resilient, and driven.
A well- rounded leader can be flexible in any situation given to him or her. I personally feel that I possess leadership characteristics well. I do not only possess leadership qualities for myself, but also to set an example for others. By doing this I might aid them in expressing their leadership qualities, no matter their field of interest. As I help others, they might see it in themselves to aid others in finding their leadership qualities.
Adaptive leadership is becoming widespread in the United States Army amongst junior officers in leadership positions that require quick thinking and innovation. Leonard Wong discusses how the versatile and unpredictable enemy and situations in Iraq produces adaptable junior officers. These officers are learning to make decisions under chaotic conditions and are becoming more mentally agile. The Army is changing. The Army is transforming its capabilities in the war in Iraq to be effective and successful. General Schoomaker states that we will not accomplish our goals as a nation in the 21st century unless our Army becomes much more agile but with the capacity for long term, sustained level of conflict. The Army is in the process of eliminating its old ways of war, it has to become somewhat of a decathlete. Trained for multiple events across a broad spectrum not just one event like a track athlete.
Growing up in a rough neighborhood, positive role models were not present in my everyday life. Fortunately, I created a personal understanding of what it took to be a true leader when Marcelo Neveleff became my coach. Coach Marcelo was my club soccer coach throughout my teenage years, and Marcelo demonstrated three key tenets that made me realize what it took to be a great leader. From his guidance and inspiration, I have drawn that in order to become a successful leader, I must be goal oriented through determination within myself by leading from the front. This reflects that there is a specific goal that I, as a leader, must be willing to reach that will inspire others to do the same. To become a successful leader, I must also be empathetic
Visionary leaders are also great communicators, Colin Powell is a great communicator (Patrick, n.d); Colin Powell once said, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifyers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand" (Harari, 2002). One of his readings that comes to mind when talking about adaptability is Colin Powell’s’ famed 13 rules of leadership. Several of his rules provide examples of the characteristics of cognitive flexibility and dispositional flexibility. The COA I took was sure to fix the issue, but my civilian counterpart did not agree with the change yet offered no solution.
Some of the basic characteristics of adaptive leaders have are: to think constantly and take strategic steps in his community for his good positioning; vision and know how to deploy forces and resources that would be most appropriate for the execution of tasks; to accept the opinion of other members of the organization; to admit his mistakes and leave the non-productive course of action; to be creative and always able to find different ways to arrive at the desired goal; to know he can influence the creation and transformation of the structure of the organization; to be ready to experiment and risks; to be always ready to improve themselves, to encourage innovations that come from his organization.
I think you have done a great job contrasting the two cases through the steps of adaptive leadership. I think your observation "the board got worried that the University would not bring in enough students and they let the President go." I think this illustrates the point of how the President was not communicating with stakeholders at the university such as the board. This lack of communication led to the fear that the board felt, which led to his removal.
Yukl, G., & Mahsud, R. (2010). Why flexible and adaptive leadership is essential. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 62(2), 81-93. doi:10.1037/a0019835
Transformational leadership is one of the most popular leadership styles. According to Kendrick (2011), “Transformational leadership involves four factors: 1. idealized influence, 2. inspirational motivation, 3. intellectual stimulation, and 4. individual consideration.” These four factors make transformational leadership have an impact on followers. The goal of transformational leadership is to cause a positive change in individuals, help motivate them, and develop a leader within each individual.
An effective leader adapts changes and communicates his vision to his followers until the followers believe in that vision as their own
Adaptability: I find adaptability to be one of my talent. I am able to adapt to any given situation or environment faster than my peers. This is mainly due to the fact that all throughout my life, my family and I have been moving: Nigeria, Ghana, US, and currently Belgium by myself. This led me, at a young age, to learn to quickly adapt to my surroundings in order to continue on with my life or else I would be stuck in a situation with no escape. Studying to Belgium also proved to be useful in improving my adaptability skills. The school system was completely different from what I ever experience especially with studying in the US for the majority of my life. If I didn’t have the adaptability skill and was unable to adapt to the school system,
Conscientiousness is the ability to control impulses and use them for goal-oriented behavior. A low score for this trait indicates trouble with inhibiting impulses. Someone with a high score has a greater ability to consider future consequences before acting on impulses. High conscientiousness is favorable in many aspects of life. People who think before acting tend to be wise and cautious, and others may perceive them as intelligent. Instead of acting on the first choice in mind, conscientious people weigh out alternative options. They are able to achieve success through staying on task by planning ahead and diverting attention from distractions. Conscientious people are ambitious, well-organized, and abide by responsibilities, making them
I will apply cognitive flexibility the most when I am verifying that the procedure is valid. This will require me to check in on my subordinate while he or she is in the process of creating it. When the procedure is invalid, I will need to first see why it isn’t working and then come up with multiple plans on how to make the procedure work. By creating different plans, the technician will be able to correctly inspect the part and learn more about NDI theory. Since all procedures get documented and saved, my application of cognitive flexibility will have a positive impact on my peers because they will not have to repeat the procedure when the part returns to the section at a later date.
The old system of management has undergone many changes within the last century. An employee once performed the assigned job duties during the allotted hours and then went home. Now employees are encouraged to grow, give input, and to contribute for the good of the organization. There is a plethora of information for leaders to learn why and how to grow personally thus allowing the organization to grow as well. This new emerging leader is a transformational leader.
Changes in the workplace lead to effective leadership. You lead your target, leading your team. They are usually a great communicator. They will identify changes and guide the team to complete.