AT & T Essay

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AT&T has a vision that they follow by called “Connect to Good”. This phrase means “using the power of our network to build a better tomorrow”. AT&T is looking to improve its’ consumers means of communication and connectivity. AT&T has three categories to base their vision off of; these three visions consist of the three P’s , People, Planet, and Possibilities. AT&T as a company is looking for intuitive ways to help vastly improve these categories. They have integrated a 10-yer plan that is broken down into two 5-year plans in order to create a more manageable approach to increasing the company’s value. AT&T is ultimately looking for various ways to become a more efficient company. There are several different ways in which they can achieve this …show more content…

In this 10 year plan includes improvement in the supply chain. Along with efficiency, AT&T would also like to improve on the company’s stability. AT&T looks to improve the social and environmental impacts by using a sustainability performance metric to help make decisions. A sustainability performance metric is a tool used by many corporates to help decides on things that will have a positive impact on the present and the

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