A Rhetorical Analysis Of Mcdonald's Ads

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“Ba da ba ba ba I’m lovin it.” I did even tell you what company my ad is for, but after reading the giggle you already know. You may not know it, but ads are persuading our decisions every day. I remember as a child I saw many ads about McDonald’s Happy Meals. I was convinced it really made one happy because who doesn’t like toys. Plus, the word happy was in the name. I even made my dad buy a Happy Meal for me everyday for lunch at school, so I could show off my new Happy Meal toy. While many people would find the advertisement “McDonald’s in Birkerod re-opens in 2 weeks.” from an advertising agency called DDB, to be ineffective cause the ad is discriminating to the local audience, it is effective because it uses ethos, uses colors like yellow and red to catch attention, and cleverly used the well …show more content…

The ad evokes an unexpected emotion because the is almost a visible pun. The ad consists of a construction wagon placed upside down at a construction site in the background. The legs of the wagon are yellow and the handle are red. When one is looking at the legs, it’s almost obscured at first. Then one realizes the legs are angled in a shape of an “M”. All of sudden, every detail comes together as one reads the text at the bottom of the page, “McDonald’s in Birkerod re-opens in 2 weeks near you.” When looking at the ad one's eyes first go to the red and yellow. Advertisers want their product to stand out , so they make only one object brighter. Especially colors like yellows and red are great colors to grab the viewer's attention. Plus the those color combinations persuade the idea of McDonald’s. One may not notice it but subconsciously they are thinking about it. Finally, the well known McDonald’s Logo “M”. Another habits that advertisers have encrypted into our minds. If one see it, one can assume that whatever it’s on has to is associated with McDonald’s. But this ad showed the “M” in a different angle,

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