3 Years Research Paper

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These three years have taught me many things. I have also changed most these three years. It is crazy how much you change after three years, things change and people change a lot. I have got out of my shell that I had for two years. The words that describe my years are crazy, great, shocking, delightful, insane, bumpy stressful. Three years passed by quicker than I expected because sometimes the days were really slow. But after all, it was worth going there these hard times. In my first year in 6th grade was bumpy, shocking and ugly because I didn’t really look really pleasing to the eyes because I was a nerd. I didn’t have any real friends to trust because I didn’t talk to anybody. It was really shocking because people actually liked me. I was also shocked because I wasn’t as shy anymore. I wanted to talk to more people and new friends. But I really miss 6th grade but then I don’t because of drama that went on that year. …show more content…

I really liked 7th grade because I was really focused on school work and my grades were acceptable. I was honored to make the soccer team for the school and won the Championship for soccer. I did soccer because my mother inspired me to do it. My brother and his friends were discouraging me that I couldn’t make the soccer team. I was satisfied that we won the Championship round and was really happy with that year. I was stressed about the social studies project we did that year because it took me a few days to decide who I was going to do a research

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