Vacuole Essays

  • Vacuole Essay

    951 Words  | 2 Pages

    A vacuole is a large vesicle that is derived from the endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi apparatus. Vacuoles perform a variety of different functions depending on different types of cells. A vacuole is a space empty of cytoplasm in a cell, lined with a membrane, and is filled with fluid. The functions of vacuoles are storage, ingestion, digestion, excretion, and getting rid of excess water .Food vacuoles, as mentioned earlier, are formed by a process called phagocytosis. Contractile vacuoles pump

  • The Functions of Osmosis

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    out of the cell causing the cell to shrink and give the plant the appearance of being limp, which can evolve in to t... ... middle of paper ... substance. There are three different types of endocytosis: phagocytosis, for making food vacuoles, pinocytosis, for obtaining water for the cell, and receptor-mediated, for gathering ligands, molecules that bind to receptors on the cell membrane. Exocytosis and endocytosis are valuable to a cell because it allows the cell to obtain the larger

  • The Concentration of Sugar in the Cell Sap of a Potato Cell's Vacuole

    1207 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Concentration of Sugar in the Cell Sap of a Potato Cell's Vacuole Plan In this experiment I am intending to investigate the concentration of sugar in the cell sap of a potato-cell's vacuole. I will discover this using my knowledge of the biological process of Osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of solvent (usually water) through a semi-permeable membrane separating solutions of different concentrations

  • Investigating the concentration of the solutions inside the vacuole of a potato cell.

    1461 Words  | 3 Pages

    Osmosis Investigation We are trying to find out what the concentration of the solutions is inside the vacuole of a potato cell. We will investigate how the mass of the potato chips change in different sucrose solution concentrations. We will use osmosis to do this. I will be measuring and controlling many different variables, these include; - The dependent Variable – Weight of potato chip Independent Variable – Concentration of sucrose Control Variables consist of; - 1.     Temperature

  • Cell In Prison Essay

    544 Words  | 2 Pages

    cell because it can harm the nucleus. Lastly there’s the vacuole. The vacuole is a closed compartment that’s stores and keeps water inside of the cell. It sometime carries solids that have been engulfed. Vacuoles are formed by fusions of multiple membrane vesicles. They are found in both plant and animal cells, but appear larger in plant cells. Vacuoles have no key shape or size. Its size and shape is based on the need of the cell. The vacuole does more than just store water, it separates materials

  • Eukaryotic Cells Research Paper

    1518 Words  | 4 Pages

    Prokaryotic cells are known to be similar to Eukaryotic cells, but when it comes to the membrane-bound structure, that what sets eukaryotic cells apart from prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells has a nucleus that is enclosed by the nuclear envelope, which has a genetic material. A eukaryotic cell structure is a system of membranes that can be found in animals, plants, and fungi. In this paper, I would be identifying each part of the eukaryotic cells structure and the functionality of its membranes

  • Investigating Osmosis

    1340 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating Osmosis Aim - In this experiment, I am going to try to find what the concentration of sucrose inside the vacuole of a potato is. Introduction - Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion, and can be defined as the movement of water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration, until both are the same strength. But, osmosis is the diffusion of water only and not of substances dissolved in water

  • The Cell Membrane In A Basketball Stadium Room

    628 Words  | 2 Pages

    The cell membrane is a structure that controls what enters and leaves the cell. In a basketball stadium, the security guards are like the cell membrane. They can say who comes in if they don’t cause any problems and are following the rules and they can reject them and make them leave if they have something they aren’t supposed to or they are doing something wrong. This is how security guards are like a plant cell’s cell membrane because the security guards control what enters and leaves the stadium

  • The Difference between Eukaryotic Cells

    709 Words  | 2 Pages

    (02/2012). Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, 4th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version 6.2]. Retrieved from Vacuoles. (n.d.). In Boundless. Retrieved December 10, 2013, from

  • Exploration of Light Microscopes

    774 Words  | 2 Pages

    different from those in the cytoplasm. Lysosome: A lysosome is a membrane bag containing digestive enzymes. When a cell needs to digest food, the lysosome membrane fuses with the membrane of a food vacuole and squirts the enzymes inside. The digested food can then diffuse through the vacuole membrane and enter the cell to be used for energy or growth. The only thing that keeps the cell itself from being digested is the membrane surrounding the lysosome.

  • Investigating the Effect of Concentration on Osmosis

    2021 Words  | 5 Pages

    Investigating the Effect of Concentration on Osmosis Preliminary Investigation The aim of the preliminary experiment was to find a suitable range to collect our results. To find a suitable range we had to carry out the experiment to see if there was a substantial change in the size and weight of the potato chip after it had been placed in a 1 molar glucose and another chip in distilled water. At the beginning of the experiment we had to cut out potato chips of equal length and similar

  • Lab Report Testing the Effects of Changing Surcrose Concentration on Osmosis in Plant Cells

    1287 Words  | 3 Pages

    called a semi-permeable membrane. In a plant, water passes from a weak cell sap solution to an adjoining cell with a stronger solution, as water passes in, the volume of the sap vacuole increases. When a full sap vacuole presses against the cell wall, it is said to be turgid. If water that is lost is not replaced the sap vacuole shrinks and pulls on the cell wall, the cell becomes flaccid; this is known as plasmolysis. In the cells shown below, water molecules will diffuse from the turgid cell into

  • the plant cell

    822 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Plant Cell Cell Wall Size: Around 1µ Basic Function: * Hold the shape of the cell. * Strengthen the cell. Covering the cell membrane of the plant cell, there is the cell wall. The cell wall is composed of two layers of rigid, hard cellulose embedded in compounds like pectin and lignin. Pores in the cell wall allow molecules to pass through. The cell wall has two parts. The primary cell wall is formed during the growth of the cell. After the cell has stopped growing, a secondary cell wall forms

  • Investigating the Factors that Affect Water Uptake by Potatoes

    807 Words  | 2 Pages

    Affect Water Uptake by Potatoes Plan Osmosis is the movement of water from a region of a high concentration to a low concentration of water through a selectively permeable membrane. Aim To find the concentration of the solution in the vacuole of the potato. Prediction I predict that when the potato chip is placed into the water solution, its mass will increase because that water moves from a high concentration to a low concentration. When the potato chip is placed in 100% salt

  • The Effect of Temperature on the Cell Membranes of Beetroot Cells

    945 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Effect of Temperature on the Cell Membranes of Beetroot Cells Apparatus ·Corer size 4 · White tile · A Beetroot · Automatic Water Bath · Segregated knife · A thermometer · Stopwatch Method: · First take the white tile and the corer. Then collect a cylinder of beetroot by pushing the corer into the beetroot and withdrawing it. The cylinder remains inside the corer- so push it out with the end of a pencil. · Collect 3 cylinders, and then cut them into 6 pieces

  • Similarities between a Plant and Animal Cell

    610 Words  | 2 Pages

    cell consists of a cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplasts, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER and rough ER), golgi complex, microtubules, mitochondria, nucleus, nucleolus, nucleopore, peroxisomes, plasmodesmata, ribosomes, and vacuole. The cell membrane in a plant cell supports the cell and helps maintain the cell’s shape. The cell membrane also can control which substances can go in and out of a cell. The cell wall also protects the cell and gives the cell its shape. Chloroplasts

  • Animal Cell Research Paper

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    membrane and chloroplasts. Last but not least, there are is the Golgi apparatus, the mitochondrion and the vacuole. The animal cell also has a nucleus, nucleolus, and nuclear envelope. It has a smooth endoplasmic reticulum, a rough endoplasmic reticulum and free and attached ribosomes. It has a cell membrane, Golgi apparatus, centrioles and mitochondrion. An animal cell does not have a vacuole or chloroplasts like the plant

  • Essay On The Effect Of Temperature On Permeability

    1136 Words  | 3 Pages

    released from the vacuole. The Phospholipid Bi-layer or cell membrane is made up of Phosphate (these are Hydrophilic) and lipids/Fatty Acids (these are Hydrophobic) and contains Proteins. It is this Phospholipid bi-Layer

  • Plasma Membrane Essay

    1557 Words  | 4 Pages

    Endocytosis is a general term for the process whereby very large particles of material are wrapped with plasma membrane and moved into the cell in the form of vesicles or vacuoles. None of the trapped material actually moves through the membrane, but remains on the other side of the original membrane, even while the vacuole is inside the cell. Exocytosis is the export of large quantities of material from the cell. Vesicles containing the material to be exported fuse with the plasma membrane, dumping

  • Cell Organelle Research Paper

    789 Words  | 2 Pages

    are very small in animal cells. Lakes and ponds are like vacuoles in an animal cell. Lakes and ponds get their water from runoff and precipitation. Unlike the ocean, which always has water, lakes and ponds can dry up. The water isn't always there.Vacuoles and lakes both act as temporary storage. The lakes do not have the same water forever and the animal cell vacuoles do not have the same waste and water forever; it moves on. The vacuoles in an animal cell are also small and the amount of lake water