The Effect of Temperature on the Cell Membranes of Beetroot Cells
·Corer size 4
· White tile
· A Beetroot
· Automatic Water Bath
· Segregated knife
· A thermometer
· Stopwatch
· First take the white tile and the corer. Then collect a cylinder of
beetroot by pushing the corer into the beetroot and withdrawing it.
The cylinder remains inside the corer- so push it out with the end of
a pencil.
· Collect 3 cylinders, and then cut them into 6 pieces of 3 cm with a
segregated knife.
· The beetroot was cut to 1cm. Because the beetroot has been cut some
of the cell membranes had been broken, which means some anthocyanin
will leak out. This must be completely washed off in order to maintain
the reliability of the results.
· The water bath must then be heated to 20oC (the first temperature
for the experiment)
· Once the water bath is at the correct temperature (measured using
the thermometer), one piece of beetroot is placed into the hot water
directly and left for exactly1 minute (using a stopwatch).
· The beetroot piece is then placed into a tube of 5 cm of distilled
This procedure will be repeated with the other four pieces of beetroot
and the temperature should be changed accordingly. The temperatures
will be using are 20oC, 40oC , 60oC and 80oC
Each time a piece of beetroot is removed from the heated water, it
will be left in the distilled water for exactly 30 minutes, before
being discarded.
The fluid in each of the test tubes will be analysed using a
colorimeter and compared against the control, which is distilled water
to check for any variations in the colour of the water.
The variables kept constant
· The same diameter corer is used so to keep the surface area of each
beetroot piece the same size.
· When the beetroot has been cut some of the cell membranes are
2. A test tube was then filled with 35ml of yeast and placed in the
The beet Lab experiment was tested to examine bio-membranes and the amount of betacyanin extracted from the beets. The betacyanin is a reddish color because it transmits wavelengths in red color and absorbs most other colors. The membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins embedded in it. The phospholipid bilayer forms a barrier that is impermeable to many substances like large hydrophilic molecules. The cells of beets are red and have large vacuoles that play a big role for the reddish pigment. This experiment aimed to answer the question, “How do cell membranes work?” The hypothesis we aim to test is: Cell membranes work as a fluid mosaic bilayer of phospholipids with many embedded proteins. We predicted that the 50% Acetone will break down the most betacyanin. Our hypothesis was proven wrong by our data collected. We could test our predictions by doing the experiment multiple times and compare the
Half fill the ... ... middle of paper ... ... e data quality. Furthermore, using a graduated cylinder with markings below the 100 mL line would have allowed for more accurate measurements of the initial volume of air in the graduated cylinder.
An Investigation to Show the Effect of Temperature on Daphnia Plan: I will submerge some daphnia contained in a test tube in water of differing temperatures and measure their subsequent heart rates. Hypothesis I think that the heart rate of the daphnia will increase up until around 40ËšC at which point most of the daphnia's enzymes will have denatured and rate of metabolism will have stopped or decreased sufficiently to have stopped the daphnia's heart rate. Apparatus list Test tube Beaker Different temperatures of water Daphnia Pipette Stop clock Microscope Slide Safety Follow usual lab safety rules. There are no major safety considerations in this experiment as the daphnia aren't harmful and water above 40ËšC will not be used. Method To determine if temperature does have an effect on the daphnia, I intend to carry out the following experiment.
The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Respiration in Yeast There are two types of respiration in yeast: Aerobic: [IMAGE] Anaerobic: Glucose [IMAGE] Carbon dioxide + ethanol + energy Respiration is controlled by enzymes, which are proteins which speed up one or more biological reactions. Within any cell many chemical reactions are going on at any one time. Yeast has many different types of enzymes that speed up respiration. Prediction I predict that as temperature increases, the rate will also increase, until a certain optimum temperature, after which, the rate will decrease until the rate is zero as respiration has stopped completely. Reason
The sugar beet currently grown is far removed from the garden plant. Later the root became a popular vegetable, especially the red type of beet known as beetroot. In the second half of the eighteenth century the chemist Marggraf demonstrated that the sweet tasting crystals obtained from juice of beets and sugar cane were similar, this was the first step in developing beets into an industrial crop for extraction of sugar. Before that time nobody paid much attention to what gave the roots their sweetness. Beets with higher levels of sucrose were selected from a white fodder beet variety. The White Silesian variety is still considered to be the primary source of sugar beet germplasm grown today (Fischer 1989).
We then cut our potato tubes with the cork borer and cut them with the scalpel so they were the same length and weighed them. We then put one potato tube in each test tube and then added the same amount sugar solution in to each tube. The concentration of sugar solutions varied in each test tube.
This experiment determined what temperature and what type of chemical had the most effect on the membrane of a beet. It was hypothesized that if the beet was put in a higher temperature, then it would have harm the membrane therefore releasing the most pigment into the water, rather than a cooler temperature. This was predicted because when a substance or particle is placed in a cold temperature, the process slows down and when it out in a warmer temperature the process speeds up. For the different chemicals, it was hypothesized that when the beet was put in acetone, it would release the most pigments because it was the most acidic chemical; if it's strong enough to take off a chemical like nail polish then it would break the membrane of the beet. The hand soap was thought to have the least effect on the membrane of the beet because its acidity was a little higher
As soon as the sample of beetroot is placed into the distilled water diffusion occurs naturally, which is the net movement of molecules. from a region of high concentration (beetroot sample) to a region of low concentration (beetroot sample low concentration (distilled water). From 40°C upwards there is a sudden increase in absorbency, this is. because the optimum temperature at which enzymes and cells can work at is 37°C and as soon as you go above this temperature it will cause the enzymes and cells to denature and cease from working effectively. Even if you then lower the temperature again the cell will not regain.
Conclusion The experiment was successful as it clearly showed the effect of temperature on the beetroot membrane. It showed that the membrane becomes more permeable at higher temperatures, as was expected. This was explained by the fact that proteins denature with high temperatures and the phospholipids structure changes and becomes less stable, having devastating results on the membrane structure. Despite the limitations and errors, the results of the experiment were conclusive.
4. Put each group of potato discs in one of the 6 test tubes and watch
The experiment utilized a negative control group of beet cells at room temperature (approximately 22℃) because 22℃ represents the normal growing temperature of beets
Equipment Potato, Borer, Beakers, Measuring Cylinder, Stopclocks, Distilled Water, Electronic Balance, Salt solutions of various concentrations. Diagram [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] When we leave the potato in the solution for the allocated time, water
• A 'head' that will mix with water but not with fat (i.e. it is
The pH of the solution would alter the rate of the reaction if it was