The Long Wait Essays

  • Personal Narrative- My Trip to Colorado Springs

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    My youth pastor pulled out of our church parking lot at three am in the morning loaded down with a bus full of twenty four teenagers including me. We were off at last head to Colorado Spring Colorado, little did I know, our bus was going to fall apart this very day. The anticipation of this day had been building up for some time over that last few months, and now it was upon me at last. I didn’t feel the same excitement I had leading up to this moment, I even kind of grumbled to myself about how

  • Wait Time In Canada

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    discuss the issue of wait times within the Canadian emergency department by examining the correlation between wait times and the poor coordination between medical systems. According to research conducted by Katz and Enns, over 16 million visits to emergency rooms are made by Canadians in

  • Conformity Observation

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    patient tends to copy the behavior of another by getting out of their seats, and asking the receptionist about the number of patients in front of them. It is contagious because every patient wants to know how much more time they have to wait. But they always wait for one person to get up and ask, and then they followed. When the patient “overhears” the conversation, this is a form of cognitive miser. Cognitive miser is able to hear someone’s voice through loud background noises without being aware

  • The Impact Of Waiting Time On Medical Tourism

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    is at least a four-week wait between the time you make your appointment and the time you get to see your physician. For patients who can’t afford to wait for healthcare in their home country, medical tourism has introduced a way for patients to skip the waiting times by travelling abroad for healthcare. If you’ve been thinking of doing the same, MedHalt recently published an in-depth look at the impact of wait-times on medical tourism, and the countries with the lowest wait times in the world. Read

  • Sweden Health Care System Case Study

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    important core principles. Thirdly, the county regions have responsibility for health care planning. Next, the county councils can impose Some problems in Sweden’s health care system include; what role should the state play in health care, long term care issues, and long wait times whether that be for surgery or primary care physician. First, a big problem in Sweden healthcare is the role the state should play in health care. Governance issues in Sweden have increased over the past couple of years. “The

  • Summary: The Canadian Health Care System

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    being the long wait times and insufficient funds for the growing baby boomers. These two issues if not changed, it would affect many other factors that can lead to the Medicare system to fail. With Canada’s health care coverage, majority of the population is provided with their needed medical assistance. However, having access to the medical care is different from physically receiving the care. Canadians pay their taxes expecting a well-established health care system but reasons like long wait times

  • Wait Time In Canada

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    the longest wait times among 11 countries in the emergency department and to see a family doctor or a specialist (1). There are a number of complex factors influencing this, both systemic and institutional in nature, and its consequences can be devastating to health outcomes of Canadians. Fortunately, there are number of things that can be done to mitigate the growing problem of wait times at the physician and healthcare system levels. A number of problems contributing to long wait times in emergency

  • Why High School Players Should Go To The NBA

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    Times have changed and so have the rules that used to apply to American basketball. For over a long time until 2007, players that were considered to be truly elite were allowed to go to the NBA immediately without necessarily having to pass through college. However, with time new rules were instituted that are still being used to determine the eligibility of a player to be drafted to the NBA. The most stressed rule is the one on age limit, whereby players need to be 19 years before they can be considered

  • Kikk Bot For Health Care Essay

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    Reduce Waiting Time in Health Facilities: For the Healthcare industry, I would recommend making a bot that would make waiting in clinics less. Individuals in the U.S have to wait long to receive medical attention. According to ABC NEWS, physicians in the emergency room say that the issue is getting worse; people have to wait long to get medical attention. Patients are treated according to the severity of their condition and not the time they waited in the waiting room. This causes many issues to rise

  • Essay On Wait Time

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    • How long do you typically wait to have your order taken once seated? The wait times totally depends on how busy the restaurant is. The weekends are usually very busy so we have to wait longer compared to the weekdays. The good thing about this restaurant is that they take drinks order right away. • Does your server usually introduce him/herself? Yes, the server mostly introduces him/herself. Servers are very humble and friendly. They will have a chat with you. • Does your server usually tell you

  • Waiting Times in the Emergency Rooms in Canada

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    Introduction Because of the lack of organization with the health care providers in Canada, the wait times are too long and can cause serious complications to any condition the patient went in for in the first place. This situation of how the health care system can resolve wait times was brought to the government but they continue to ignore the proposals brought to them. It is possible to resolve the problems of wait times without extreme change and expenses in the health care system. The solution is to

  • Nursing System Theory

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    successful outputs that will benefit the environment. Being able to move admitted patients from the ER into designated floor or specific hold areas with each area taking a few patients to relief the burden of ER. Another method of controlling extended ER wait times would be to coordinate discharges early in the day. Research has shown that when departures from the hospital are done, promptly, it can significantly improve the flow of patients in emergency departments by making more inpatient beds available

  • Universal Health Research Paper

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    not need to worry about affordability. Although our system is very beneficial, many Canadians suffer from long wait times, limited coverage for additional healthcare services/testing, and safety of food in facilities. Strangely enough, the Canadian government has made many cutbacks regarding our universal health care and making it longer for the public to access. Many Canadians suffer from long

  • Canada's Universal Health Care System

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    better. According to a Gallup Poll, 57 percent of Canadians felt as they were “satisfied” with their access to healthcare. One thing that Canada has taken a lot of heat for is the ridiculous wait times for an appointment with a specialist (Kliff). It was report by a Commonwealth Fund survey (2010) that the average wait time was up to four weeks, more than double of that in the United States

  • Saintemarie Emergency Department Case

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    facing include issues with quality, work environment and economic issues, amongst others. In terms of quality, the wait-time targets are being met, however, a doctor sees only 2/3 of patients that enter the emergency department within the maximum delay period. This means that the quality of service suffers as well as patient safety for those that leave without seeing a doctor due to long wait times. As far as work environment issues, the department is struggling because experienced nurses and doctors

  • Ethical Issues In Cedar Point

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    Standing in line is, quite frankly, one of the most boring activities that one could have the misfortune of having to partake in. It takes too long, and sometimes the promised reward ends up a disappointment, or worse, unavailable. But what keeps people sane when they are forced to queue (sometimes for hours on end) is the knowledge that everyone else must wait too. Unless, of course, there was a way to circumvent that process. It’s almost universally agreed upon that cutting in line is unethical, but

  • Universal Health Care In Canada

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    signed by Canada’s first ministers since 2004. One of the major elements of the agreement was a commitment by the government to highlight the wait times issue that Canadians struggle with almost every day (Government of Canada, 2006). In the year of 2013, Canadian reports raises more concerns while wait times are still not improving. Canadians still wait for a long time to receive access to the healthcare needed. (Canadian Institute for Health information, 2012). Canada is a country that is always being

  • Canada's Healthcare System Essay

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    Some of these aspects include long wait times, uneven distribution of care, and most importantly, the various costs. Canada's system is certainly not the worst, but it is not the best either. The provision of care for Canadians is not flawless, however it is significantly better than some

  • Social Norm Breaking Essay

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    most cases. The norm that I broke was cutting people in line. The normal behavior for this would to be to stand in line and wait your turn. If you want something, you are going to have to wait in that long line whether you like it or not. It is appropriate to behavior to be patient and wait in lines because it is a first come, first serve basis, and it is only fair to wait in the order that you came in the line to start with. Some examples where people stand in extreme lines for things include: standing

  • Emergency Department Case Study

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    I believe that if you asked a group of people to list off issues regarding an emergency department then they would say long wait times throughout the process and being moved around to different areas of the emergency department. From what I have heard the long waits can be associated with waiting to get back to a room, waiting to see a nurse, waiting to see a doctor, waiting to go to radiology or lab, waiting on results, waiting to be discharged, or waiting to be admitted. All of these things in