Universal Health Care In Canada

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The U.S. healthcare system on the other hand is characterized by lack of universal public health insurance. Instead access depends on the type of individual coverage the patient has (Gleason S, 2012). The U.S. healthcare system is pretty different than that of Canadians mostly due to little things. As I mentioned above, patients in Canada are allowed to go to more than one specialist or a doctor whereas in America, patients are limited to visiting the doctor they have been assigned to through their insurer (Dugdale, 2014). This is really not fair to the patients and on top of that the patients have to pay an amount when they visit their family doctor which impacts American families as most of them would rather hope to get better than have to …show more content…

Citizens should have the right to choose the doctor they feel the mostly comfortable with instead of going to the doctor they’re assigned to. Medicare in the US doesn’t include insurance for medications which has affected the elderly population by not being able to afford private insurance. Most people who do not get health coverage through their jobs and cannot afford the cost for their family’s health insurance simply go without insurance, destroying their health. The healthcare system in the US relies on the employees private health insurance leaving approximately 45 million people without health insurance (Raphael, p.288-290 ). Universal healthcare system would improve many Americans life if they actually get this system because it would ensure that every individual is getting the yearly …show more content…

The issue of waiting time has been discussed for almost 10 years (Epp, 2006). Health accord was signed by Canada’s first ministers since 2004. One of the major elements of the agreement was a commitment by the government to highlight the wait times issue that Canadians struggle with almost every day (Government of Canada, 2006). In the year of 2013, Canadian reports raises more concerns while wait times are still not improving. Canadians still wait for a long time to receive access to the healthcare needed. (Canadian Institute for Health information, 2012). Canada is a country that is always being compared to the U.S and is viewed as having a great government by many people. But have you ever thought that this might be due to the fact that we are mostly compared to our neighbours, the US? What would the picture of Canada’s healthcare system look like if it were to be compared to that of other countries such as Sweden? Canada’s wait time performance is poor compared with other countries. For example, when Canada was compared with 11 countries, what was shows was that Canada was rated the lowest among all. The survey had ranked Canada for the longest wait times in three specific areas. The three areas are seeing a doctor when sick, seeing a specialist and having elective surgery (Laupacis, 2012). Canadians are

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