Universal Health Research Paper

792 Words2 Pages

The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care

We live in a country where we have the privilege of having free universal health care for all citizens. You should not have to worry about your income to protect and save yourself/loved ones from medical issues. People that are unemployed, students, disabled or homeless are covered under the system and do not need to worry about affordability. Although our system is very beneficial, many Canadians suffer from long wait times, limited coverage for additional healthcare services/testing, and safety of food in facilities.

Strangely enough, the Canadian government has made many cutbacks regarding our universal health care and making it longer for the public to access. Many Canadians suffer from long …show more content…

Food services are regulated by legislation under all three levels of government to make sure their food is being handled with proper care and hygiene. The Canadian Food inspection agency is responsible for checking that facilities follow regulations and food meets food safety requirements such as; personal hygiene, avoiding food contamination and keeping foods at safe temperatures. Food Handlers that do not have personal hygiene can pass on fecal matter to food we eat, which can lead to parasites, diseases and other medical issues. Unfortunately, there is no daily investigation checking if facilities meet safety requirements. Unless there is an illness outbreak, a consumer complaint or a company-initiated recall, the Inspection Agency can not take any protocols. We are left in the dark about the safety of the food we eat and risk our health. We have trust that they will follow safety requirements, but that is not always the case. According to the government of Canada, every year there are 4 million Canadians that suffer a food-borne illness, 11,600 hospitalisations and 238 deaths. To decrease the amount of Canadians affected, we must have stricter food inspections every month to insure the safety and health of the

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