Street lighting Essays

  • Improving Streets Lighting In El Paso: Article Analysis

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    A major problem that most residents in El Paso, TX face would be the lack of street lighting in certain neighborhoods. Drivers are at risk of being injured when driving down these kinds of conditions. As it gets darker earlier the visibility becomes poor causing it to be harder to see, making the driver unaware of their surrounding and giving them a higher risk of creating a dangerous situation for pedestrians. When these problems occur drivers can be unaware when pedestrians are walking, which mean

  • Artificial Light In Disenchanted Night

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    social, political, cultural, and economic significance of lighting advancements in the public and private lives of nineteenth-century urban citizens. In Europe, these advancements were more consequential in the public lives of city dwellers by influencing the portrayal of class distinctions, adapting methods of urban security, affecting the public mindset regarding the technology’s safety. allowing for the unrestrained development

  • Wedding Reception Lighting Essay

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    Wedding Reception Lighting is an essential aspect of wedding reception décor. Proper lighting helps to create add color and mood to the reception. If the reception is during the day then there is no concern for lightings. Ample of natural lights are available at outdoor wedding locations. On the contrary wedding receptions at night requires proper lightings that should last till the reception ends. Once the venue of the outdoor wedding reception is fixed, contact the Wedding lighting designer or enquire

  • Cinematography in Godfather the Movie

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    movie was a very subversive movie, and one of the first of all time.The Godfather has a many different uses of light settings through the whole movie, in which the movie can be interpreted on. The lighting in "The Godfather," is very dim and is often said to be compared with a Rembrant. The lighting suggest many things throughout the film like a painting. The light scenes in the movie are to portray the Corleone family as good people, someone you could relate to not look down upon. Such as the wedding

  • Light Pollution: The Causes And Effects Of Light Pollution

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    Having electricity is something that most people feel they need to be comfortable and safe in their day to day lives. So much so, that the demand for lighting has increased rapidly over the years. This increase in demand also includes the usage of artificial lighting which also contributes greatly to light pollution. Light pollution has had an unfavorable effect on the planet and this includes humans, animals, and plants as a whole. Light pollution is the “inappropriate or excessive usage of light

  • Essay On Light Pollution

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    pollutants, excessive noises, water pollutants to artificial lights, they are all manmade pollutions to our earth. Especially the urban light, which supposed to ensure the public safety, the overuse of urban light in the billboard and floodlights on the street resulted in bright sky at night. People cannot see the starry night and the view of universe but a daytime-like night. The general term of this effect called light pollution. Hong Kong is now suffering an acute light pollution problem that should

  • Verlyn Klinkenborg's Falling Stars, Where Are You?

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    starts stretching throughout the sky (“Stars”). Not a lot of people are aware of this issue. The main cause of light pollution is bad lighting design. This allows artificial light to shine outward and upward into the sky, where its not wanted (356). In the article “Our Vanishing Night”, Klinkenborg uses real life examples to support his argument. One example is the streets of London in the 1800s:”Nearly a million lived there, making d... ... middle of paper ... ...ted downwards and not spread out

  • Essay On Lighting

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    “A designer’s perspective on the use of lighting to manipulate mood within commercial and domestic interior design.” Through my research and writing, I would like to be able to conclude various techniques used, to manipulate mood within a space, in relation to lighting. Over the years, research has been conducted to deduce what sort of lighting should be used in specific locations rather than others, depending on the mood altering necessities of a space. There are many principles I had not previously

  • Human Factors Issues of Glare

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    A brim that extends 3 inches forward should block light from entering the pupil. Sunglasses with yellow, orange, or red tinted lenses may decrease discomfort glare (Ludt, 1997). Unshielded streetlamps, or semi-cutoff luminaires, fail to make streets safer because their high-wattage bulbs shine light throughout the entire surrounding area. Full cutoff optics are a less bright and ultimately safer alternative.

  • Quality of Light Affects Quality of Life

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    Quality of Light Affects Quality of Life Light pollution affects the lives of people around the world. It comes in a variety of forms and can be a nuisance, wasteful, and harmful. It may be a street light shining in a window, a high energy bill, or the absence of stars in the sky. Light pollution is a growing problem as human populations continue to thrive, land is increasingly developed, and Earth’s precious resources are consumed. In order to reduce current levels of light pollution and

  • Analyzing Paul Bogard's Let There Be Dark

    539 Words  | 2 Pages

    In this article, “Let There Be Dark”, by Paul Bogard, he focuses on the health effects, economy, environment, and logistics of having too much artificial light. He provides many relevant pieces of evidence throughout the story to discuss how being on technology that provides artificial light are terrible for your mind and health. Bogard starts his argument with a personal experience that relates to him valuing darkness, and then provides information about darkness being necessary in our lives. He

  • Story Of Joseph Vs. The Market Place

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    During my second time visiting the museum, I looked at paintings from the 15th and 19th centuries. Two of the art works that I choose is “The Story of Joseph” from the Renaissance period and “The Marketplace” from the modern art period. Both of these paintings were from different time periods but they were also very similar in content and style.      The first pieces that I choose were from the Renaissance period. It is titled “The Story of Joseph” by Biagio d’ Antonio. The

  • Analysis Of Our Vanishing Night By Verlyn Klikenborg

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    Hazy Night Sky Since the beginning of time, human beings were trying to find ways how to make their lives better. Technological improvements and inventions brought us a lot of benefits, but with benefits come consequences. Side effects are different types of pollution that we , as humans, are aware of. There are six kinds of pollution: land, water, noise, thermal, air, and light. The article "Our Vanishing Night," by Verlyn Klikenborg shows us the consequences of light pollution and completely

  • Li Fi Technology: A Visible Light Communication

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    for wireless data double each year. Dr. Harald Haas has come up with a solution for this he calls “Data through illumination”. Light Fidelity is a new class of high intensity light source of solid state design bringing clean lighting solutions to general and specialty lighting. Li-Fi is now part of the VLC as is implemented using white LED light bulbs. Data transmission takes place from this LED bulb by vary the current at extremely high speeds which undetectable by the human eye. I. INTRODUCTION


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    Those celebrating Diwali spend time with family and friends. They perform religious ceremonies to bring in wealth and prosperity for a new year, cook and eat delicious food, design rangolis, light up their lives by lighting diyas (small earthen lamps), candles and sometimes, by lighting fireworks. Diwali is celebrated in honor of the lord Rama, who on this day returned from a forest exile. Diwali is actually the middle day in a five-day festival that rings in the Hindu New Year. For Diwali, I go

  • Li-Fi: Wireless Visible Light Communication

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    Li-fi is coming soon LIFI (Light Fidelity), known as wireless visible light communication, also known as the optical fidelity technologies, is a technology for transmitting data using light bulb light. Li-Fi technology using LED lights everywhere, by a tiny chip implanted on the bulb formation is similar to AP (Wi-Fi hotspot) devices; terminals can access the network at any time. LIFI invention designed to challenge existing Wi-Fi technology, but given the limitations of this technique, Recently

  • Synthesis Essay On Daylight Saving Time

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    civilians with safety. As shown in Source A, the dark winter mornings put children walking to school in potentially dangerous situations. Summer daylight saving time allows children to walk to school without having to worry about dark sidewalks and street corners. Not only does this apply to children, but any individual who rises in the early mornings. The ability to feel safer in today’s society is of the utmost importance to U.S citizens and those residing in the nation. During daylight saving

  • Insomnia

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    night and not even the moon dared to show his face. He had no car's headlights to light his path. All he had was the occasional street lamp, ... ... middle of paper ... ...n running again. The traffic around him thinned as he closed the distance, and the street became desolate and broken. Dave looked around. He saw his office in the distance, and the bustling and busy street that he had left behind. Down the road in the opposite direction it was just as busy, but here, between the two thresholds of

  • Comparing A Plea for Gas Lamps and Jekyll and Hyde

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    domestic lighting entered its industrial -- and dependent -- stage. No longer self-sufficiently producing its own heat and light, each house was inextricably tied to an industrial energy producer. . . . To contemporaries it seemed that industries were expanding, sending out tentacles, octopus-like, into every house."(28-29) This dread of uniformity became intensified as incandescent gas lighting, high pressure gas lighting (Robins 142), and finally electric arc-lighting grew more

  • Grow Light Lab Report

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    Grow Light Color in Relation with Radish Growth Introduction Background Information: The grow light industry is a relatively small one that many associate with illegal Cannabis production. While this may be one use of grow lights, the field of uses is much broader and includes horticulture, indoor gardening, plant propagation and food production. These lights are even used for indoor hydroponics and to grow aquatic plants. Generally HIDs and fluorescents are used in grow lights. The graphic to