Star Wars: The Old Republic Essays

  • Doubting Purpose: Questioning the Fight for Republic

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    does Farine. “What’s the matter with you Kabe?” he asks confused. “Yeah seriously,” Orion mutters. “I-I don’t know,” he replies timidly. “Do we even know what we’re fighting for anymore?” Farine scoffs. “Why of course, we’re fighting for the Republic,” he recites triumphantly. “To preserve the planet’s peace and prosperity we must be ready to fight those who threaten to oppose us. We are the order that provides for

  • Tomb Raider Vs Star Wars: The Old

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    than ‘defeat the boss’. However, a modern example exists as ‘Star Wars: The Old

  • LucasArts Swot Analysis

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    films, Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Strengths Weaknesses • Franchises • Critically Acclaimed • Big games in development • Loss of Jobs • Heavy reliance on star wars Opportunities Threats • Exploiting New territories • Global Recession • Global Recession • Piracy in gaming Strengths Franchises The result of LucasArts being a subsidiary company of LucasFilm has meant, for LucasArts, the exclusive rights to the most successful franchise of all time, the Star Wars series. According to Anita

  • The Pros And Cons Of Star Wars

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    Star Wars is a science fiction universe, created by the minds of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, which has been taking the world by loved since the 70’s. With its only main competitor being Star Trek, Star Wars has becoming ever more popular ever since its first red carpet premiere in 1977. There are six known movies, 2 different cartoon television series, countless merchandise sold, and much more. Recently Disney spent $4 billion for the ownership rights of the franchise. Was this a good idea

  • Prequels Of The Star Wars

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    The Star Wars prequels were hated by a lot of people but, are they that bad? Some complaints against the prequels have been restated over and over again so much so that it’s just accepted as fact that the prequels are horrible movies that “ruined star wars” but are they? It didn’t live up to the hype leading up to the first movie but how could it? Showing Darth Vader the great mysterious villain as the eight year old boy nick named Annie was an odd choice destroying the mystery of one of the greats

  • Star Wars

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    Today is Star Wars Day, an unoffical holiday that celebrates the Star Wars franchise. With the announcement of a new Star Wars cast and a release date, it seems that everyone is looking forward to the future of the series and re-looking at the past Space opera. With the new information about the upcoming Star Wars film, Disney attraction and things and the numerous stories of the expanded universe, it is hard not to get interested in this imaginative series. So on May 4th, watch the film or the animated

  • The Return of the Jedi

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    religion at all, will survive in the future. The theory I find the most true is Stark and Bainbridge's in The Future of Religion, although I like some elements from others, like Berger's concepts of reification and secularization. George Lucas's Star Wars trilogy, apart from being incredibly entertaining and extremely well-made, gives us a complete portrait of a society (The Empire) and a religion (Jediism, for lack of a better term). Although the movies are mostly devoted to the growth of the

  • Star Wars: A New Hope

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    of a whole generation, as a lasting impression of a film that has influenced many. Star Wars is one of the best conceptual films of all time, and it gave way for future films to experiment with film techniques that have never been done before. Star Wars gave me a sense of involvement with the film, because the camera angles immersed the viewer in the film and gave them an interactive experience. In my mind Star Wars is arguably the best film of all time, because of the next generation techniques used

  • Star Wars: The Future Of Science Fiction

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    Science Fiction is a younger literary genre than most. While it is several centuries old, to compare it to other genres that have been around for millennia, it maintains a sense of freshness and potential beyond the intrinsic trait of Sci-Fi that is the focus on the beyond; an emphasis on what is attainable a few centuries from now, and where will humanity be? This general focus on advanced technologies, future societies, and the endless possibilities of the future are what draw viewers into Sci-Fi

  • Barcelona Research Paper

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    com/flights/#search;f=JAX;t=BCN;d=2015-06-01;r=2015-06-11;q=plane+tickets). Ibis Budget Aeropuerto Barcelona Viladecans is a 3 star hotel that costs thirty-eight dollars a night. Although it is not too close to the city it is still a great place to stay ( Another hotel in Barcelona is the Hesperia Sant Joan. This three star hotel is a little more expensive, but it is closer to the city and the attractions (http://www

  • United States Flag

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    removal of the British Union from our flag. Shortly after came the stars on a blue field. By June 14, 1777 the Flag Resolution was passed, which is now known as Flag Day. Which basically said that the United States flag had to have thirteen stripes being red and white; that the union have 13 stars that are white with a blue field. Then, came Francis Hopkinsons design of the United States Flag. Which was thirteen, six pointed stars arranged in rows with the thirteen red and white stripes. But, we can

  • Star Wars Replacement Hope Analysis

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    time travel. “A few qualifications of an honest ‘sci-fi’ film ar scientific components and technology, extraterrestrial life forms, setting, editing, and epic music”. “Star Wars Episode IV – a replacement Hope ,a film directed and written by film maker, premiered in theatres could 1977 and grossed $775,398,807 worldwide by 1997”.Star Wars continues to be a well-liked film among folks of various ages these days and thought of a classic sci-fi film of all time. Though the acting isn't the best, the film

  • American Flag Informative Speech

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    Ross assembled a new flag in May of 1777. This flag had 13 alternating red and white stripes and 13 white stars on a blue background in the upper left hand corner. Red stands for hardiness, the white represents purity and innocence, the blue color symbolizes vigilance, perseverance, and justice. William Driver nick named this flag “Old Glory”. When a new state was added to the union another star was added as well. The flag has been flown in various locations that included, Robert Perry taking the flag

  • The Impact Of Baseball In The Caribbean

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    majority of America. Baseball has not only had a profound effect on the United States but has spread its reach into foreign lands. Perhaps the most effected by baseball’s foreign outreach is the Caribbean. The Caribbean (mainly Cuba and the Dominican Republic) have embraced baseball as a way to a better life. From the day baseball was brought to Cuba baseball has changed the Caribbean. While some reports claim that American sailors brought baseball to Cuba in June of 1866, others report that baseball

  • Chewbacca

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    Chewbacca (or Chewie) (c. 200 BBY - c. 25 ABY), a fictional character of the Star Wars universe, is 2.3 m (7.5 ft) tall Wookiee and co-pilot of Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca is the son of Attichitcuk, the husband of Mallatobuck, and the father of Lumpawarrump. Wise and sophisticated, he has a great deal of technological savvy. Chewbacca is known for his great strength and loyalty. While Chewie is perfectly able to understand the galactic-standard language Basic, he is unable

  • Djibouti Essay

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    The Republic of Djibouti With the beginning of ancient times, the area known now as Djibouti, has been placed in a grand category of countries residing in East Africa. Djibouti, officially known as The Republic of Djibouti is a country that has much substance and significant history in Africa. It is located in Northeastern Africa, in-between Eritrea and Somalia, and borders the Gulf of Aden as well as the Red Sea. The country is very small measuring only 8,800 square miles, similar to the size of

  • Korean War

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    Harry Truman directed U.S. military forces to assist South Korea. This began the Korean War, which came at a time when America was becoming more and more fearful of Communism. The fact that Communist China and the Soviet Union were backing the North Koreans added to American fears of a "Communist Takeover" of the world. Led by General Douglas MacArthur, American troops spent three years fighting in Korea. The war ended in stalemate in 1953 with the North Koreans north of the 38th parallel, a border

  • Bartholdi's Statue Of Liberty

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    friendship between the two nations. This magnificent work by by Fré- déric Auguste Bartholdi is design to be a neoclassical art style statue representing liberty of people. The origin of the statue dates back to France in 1865, as the American Civil War was drawing to an end, the French politician and historian Édouard René Lefèvre de Laboulaye and other politicians were resisting a movement to return France to a monarchy system. (Hansen)

  • Massively Multiplayer Online Games - Mmog

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    (Gamespy) Every year a new generation of MMOG’s come to the front, some stand tall while the rest are swept aside by the old favorites. In the past MMOG’s were just plain two dimensional pixeles, until the later years. The coding and development process improved the graphics transforming the old, but still commonly used two dimensional pixel graphics three dimensional, or 3D. The old MMOGS used to be a variation of two dimensional and early three dimensional elements. The oldest of these was HABITAT;

  • An Essay On Chile

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    mountains, that make up most of Chile today. In 1539 the Spanish wiped out the Incas and claimed the land of Chile for Spain. During the year of 1810 Chile declared its independence from Spain. Although its conclusive victory was in 1818 during the War of the Pacific. Chile soon fought and won against Bolivia and Peru to achieve its present northern regions. Soon the Mapuche were brought under the central government control. In 1970 Salvador Allende was elected. The people of Chile