Shameless Essays

  • In Shameless Character Analysis

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    is a straight African American woman. Debbie is a young white girl who is interested in males. Lip is about 19 he is a white male interested in women and Ian is about 18 and he is gay and nobody knows but his older brother Lip. The characters in shameless have all different types of abilities and disabilities. One of Franks abilities is he is a con artist, he’s is always finding the quickest way to take money from people. From cashing a dead person's insurance check and living off of it  to having

  • The Help and Shameless

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    For the media viewing paper I decided to watch a movie and a television series. I chose the movie The Help, which was directed and written by Tate Taylor, and adapted from Kathryn Stockett's 2009 novel. I also chose the Showtime television series Shameless, created by Paul Abbot and developed by John Wells. The Help is about an aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi, who decides to write a book detailing the African-American maids' point of view on the

  • Shameless Satire

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    Don’t feel ashamed if you’ve never watched an episode of Shameless, or haven’t even heard of the Showtime series. The provocative and compelling comedy-drama has consistently been a sleeper hit; popular and in demand enough to be renewed for its sixth season, but still out of the spotlight in a way that allows the show to cast an accurate light on its darker plot and characters. Set in the south side of Chicago, the show follows alcoholic Frank Gallagher (Emmy-nominated William H. Macy) and his

  • Shameless Family

    671 Words  | 2 Pages

    Shameless defies the idea of a normal family home. The show challenges many of the societal ideals and the ideas that come with being a low-class family. The show covers the theoretical concepts of a one parent household, challenging the social ideas of a low-class family, the idea of being gay, and the idea of children working to keep the house running. In Shameless, the mother is no longer around and the dad is left alone with six kids. However, he does not seem to fit the mold of a single parent

  • Shameless Analysis

    648 Words  | 2 Pages

    Shameless Reflection Paper After watching the video “Shameless”, it got my mind thinking about how people of our community see people with disabilities. People with disabilities are just like you and me, but just need more time to do things. The video did a great job portraying how people with disabilities live their lives. Some things that really stuck with me were how people were quick to stereotype, how people with disabilities see themselves, and how hard working people with disabilities are

  • Analysis Of Shameless

    1215 Words  | 3 Pages

    Showtime’s television series, Shameless (2011-), written by Paul Abbott is currently on its seventh consecutive season with all previous seasons available on Netflix. Shameless originated from the popular British television series which aired in 2004, with respect to Paul Abbott, merely follows the same story structure readjusted to an American understanding. This anecdotal attempt to continue this thriving series in America, was a huge risk at first but for the most part turned out to be an adequate

  • The Shameless Show

    1277 Words  | 3 Pages

    Shameless is a television series that I highly recommend because of its phenomenal acting and plot. The television serie shows every social taboo you can think of making it even more weird but intriguing. The unusual or raunchy behavior draws people into the show, constantly questioning, “Why would anyone ever do that?” The show also depicts what it is like to live in a less than advantageous environment and the struggles that go with it. It shows a daughter who steps up to take the role of an alcoholic

  • Shameless Analysis

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    the Gallagher clan consists of a 6 children that survive day to day on whatever they can and however they can. They stay together as a family throughout the whole season. The television series of Shameless that premiered in 2010 Does a consistently well job in impressing me each and every episode. Shameless contains Realistic well-structured script and dialogue all while delivering well portrayed and effective acting. The season illustrates the messed up family of the Gallagher’s who are not looked

  • Homosexuality In 'Shameless'

    742 Words  | 2 Pages

    The acclaimed television show, Shameless, leaves a lot to be “bi-furious” about. During the seventh season, the token white gay male in the show, Ian Gallagher, gets into a relationship with a man named Caleb. All seems to be going well, until Ian gets suspicious about Caleb hanging out with his ex-girlfriend. “There’s no such thing as that, you are either gay or straight,” Ian firmly exclaims. “No one is 100% gay,” Caleb retorts. However, both of them are wrong. While Ian constantly expresses his

  • Shameless Research Paper

    1240 Words  | 3 Pages

    Shameless Informative Essay In 2011, I watched a new television series. The new series aired on Showtime after a show called Dexter. The new series is known as Shameless. Shameless is based on the long running series, Shameless U.K. Shameless is the American take of the U.K. version. There is a lot cruder language, and nudity in the American version. The series focuses on the Gallagher family, and they live in Chicago, Illinois. The show refers to the Gallagher family living on the Southside, which

  • Shameless: A Dysfunctional Family

    623 Words  | 2 Pages

    Shameless is about a dysfunctional family of a single father and six children on the south side of Chicago. The show is usually centered around the elderent child trying to raise the rest of her siblings and figure out life as their dad goes around town drinking and being a nuisance. Shameless has became one of my top shows to watch while growing up. There are a lot of strong characters that the world knows and love, but one that has always struck out to me has been Ian Gallagher. Ian is the middle

  • Quotes From Shameless

    727 Words  | 2 Pages

    Shameless The show Shameless is about a dysfunctional family belonging to Frank Gallagher who is a single father of six. Frank Gallagher is an alcoholic and drug addict that has left his family no choice, but to learn how to take care of themselves. The family is a low class caucasian family that has been taught to steal and lie for a living. Fiona the oldest child being the age of 25, is a highschool dropout that has learned how to take care of her siblings like a mother. When her father is out

  • Analysis Of Cast Of Shameless

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    Shameless: U.C (Upper Class) While you are aimlessly scrolling through Netflix deciding on which TV show you are going to binge watch next, Shameless U.S and U.K will grab your interest. This popular drama demonstrates some of the real life struggles of poor families whilst making you laugh and delivering a serious message. Nothing compares to the real life examples of the lower working class of the world; how they are slaves to our economic system. The true shame lies in how the media misrepresent

  • Shameless: A Dysfunctional Family

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    Shameless is a TV series on ShowTime. Shameless is about the Gallagher’s, a dysfunctional family, where the father; Frank Gallagher is an alcoholic and a drug addict, because of that Fiona The oldest daughter is left to take care of her siblings. Fiona Gallagher faces many troubles, sending the kid to school, working eight jobs, dealing with relationship problems, the alcoholic father, and teenage siblings. The mother, Monica has bipolar disorder, left them new with their father and comes and goes

  • Shameless Vs. The Modern Family

    628 Words  | 2 Pages

    I watch are Modern Family a network show that deals with things like family structure and interpersonal problems and Shameless a series on Showtime that deals with more mature themes such as alcoholism and unemployment, and poverty. Certain themes show up more readily in Shameless versus The Modern Family and these shows are depictions of the America's class system. For Shameless, the themes that would jump out to a viewer are cycles of poverty and lack of social mobility. For example, when Lip

  • Dear Shameless Death Summary

    680 Words  | 2 Pages

    I think this book Dear Shameless death, By tekin Lethin, is written to show what it's like to live in a culture where feminism doesn’t exist. In the passage, Atiye has been brought to the village and is looked by all the villagers as odd. The author will demonstrate how she will learn how to be a good women and follow her husbands orders. In the begin of the book dear shameless death, Atiye, has her first child and is encounter by the first saint of the reading. Atiye experience a visit from

  • Analysis Of Television Show Shameless

    1044 Words  | 3 Pages

    I am writing a review on the very popular television show, Shameless. In part, this is one of my favorite shows, and it deals with current social and economic issues relevant in today’s society. Shameless is a drama-comedy, currently in its seventh season, set on the south-side of Chicago. There is a British television of the same name, based in Manchester that premiered in 2004. The American re-creation of Shameless premiered in 2011 and follows the lives of the dysfunctional, yet perseverant

  • Analysis Of The Television Show 'Shameless'

    1452 Words  | 3 Pages

    nodding at the apparent plot. As a semiotician, one would take all opportunities to deeply analyze sequences such as a shows intro, but we all use signs individually to create an overall meaning for messages that texts convey. The Television Show "Shameless" is wholly a show about life in poverty and the complications associated with it. Of course, this can be considered "must-see" TV due to its Oscar-Nominated actors, but if you view the show through the same scope in which we did you can comprehend

  • Examples Of Intimacy And Sexuality In The Movie Shameless

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    Shameless is a TV show about a dysfunctional family living in Southside Chicago and their adventures trying to figure out life. Frank Gallagher is the no-good father that drowns himself in alcohol and drugs while is eldest child, Fiona, takes care of his 5 other children. Intimacy and sexuality are heavily involved in Shameless throughout all seasons. In the beginning of the series Debbie and Carl, the youngest siblings, start to discover and experiment with sex as Ian Gallagher, the middle sibling

  • Shameless Family: Destructive And Dysfunctional Family

    1377 Words  | 3 Pages

    Shameless is an American TV series based on the self-destructive and dysfunctional family of Frank Gallagher, a single father of six children. The program is set in Chicago and illustrates a story of an alcoholic father who spends his day getting drunk, while his kids learn to take care of themselves. Fiona, the eldest daughter, takes responsibility upon herself at the age of 15 to become the caretaker of the family both physically and financially. Although the Gallagher’s do not have the structure