Resistor Essays

  • Notes On Resistor

    936 Words  | 2 Pages

    2.1.1 RESISTORS A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as acircuit element. Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower voltage levels within circuits. Resistors are having fixed resistances or different resistances, which are found in thermistors, trimmers, photo resistors and potentiometers. The current through a resistor is directly proportional to the voltage across the resistor's terminals. This relationship

  • Resistors in Series and in Parallel

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    Resistors in Series and in Parallel I. OBJECTIVE The objective of the study is to understand and differentiate the resistance, voltage, and the current relations in circuits in series and in parallel II. THEORY Series circuits A series circuit is a circuit in which resistors are arranged in a chain, so the current has only one path to take. The current is the same through each resistor. The total resistance of the circuit is found by simply adding up the resistance values of the individual

  • Is a Filament Bulb an Ohmic Resistor?

    812 Words  | 2 Pages

    Is a Filament Bulb an Ohmic Resistor? First of all I did some research because to answer the question 'Is A Filament Bulb an Ohmic Resistor' I needed to know what an ohmic resistor was. OHM'S LAW The current flowing through a metallic conductor is proportional to the potential difference. This is only true when the temperature is constant. If you read the current as you change the potential difference across a conductor the ratio V/I (volts over amps) is the same if it is ohmic

  • Varying the Voltage Across a Fixed Value Resistor

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    Varying the Voltage Across a Fixed Value Resistor For my project I am going to investigate the affects that occur when varying the voltage across a fixed value resistor. I will observe things that will happen. I will look at a variety of possibilities, and hopefully I will find out what happens when the voltage is changed. Planning ======== Things the voltage may effect when varied are: Current Heat Resistance I have decided to change the voltage and measure the current

  • Investigating the Brightness of Light Shining on the Light Dependant Resistor

    1437 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating the Brightness of Light Shining on the Light Dependant Resistor The aim of my investigation is to investigate how the brightness (intensity) of light shining on the LDR (Light Dependant Resistor) affects the Resistance. We can change the intensity using different methods. One method is to increase the voltage, by plugging the power supply to a higher voltage. But this method can be hard as you might not be able to know how higher the voltage is, it might be harder to have

  • Resistors to Change

    1516 Words  | 4 Pages

    Resistors to the Change Leadership is about change, but what reactions need to be taken if there are resistors for the change. In every organization there should be some employees who resist the change, but a smart leader is the one who try to come up with a list of resistors before applying the change and try to solve them. Some of the common resistors in most of the organizations are: lack of control, more work to be done and culture acceptance. Going back to DG directorate and the two drivers

  • Electrical Resistance

    1405 Words  | 3 Pages

    the flow of current. Resistance involves collisions of the current-carrying charged particles with fixed particles that make up the structure of the conductor. Resistance is often considered as localized in such devices as lamps, heaters and resistors in which it predominates, although it is a characteristic of every part of a circuit, including connecting wires and electric transmission lines. In circuits where the current (I) and voltage (V) are related by a simple proportionality constant

  • Establishing the Current-Voltage Relationship For a Metal Conductor

    1513 Words  | 4 Pages

    Establishing the Current-Voltage Relationship For a Metal Conductor Investigation- To Establish The Current- Voltage Relationship For A Metal Conductor. In this experiment I will be investigating the current- voltage relationship for a metal conductor. The variables that I need to keep constant in this experiment are: 1. Thickness of the wire. 2. Length of the wire 3. Input of voltage coming from the power supply should be kept constant. 4. Temperature of wire should be

  • Factors that Affect the Current Needed to Melt a Wire

    536 Words  | 2 Pages

    needed to melt a wire. In this investigation, I have decided to change the thickness of the wires that I use, and then while increasing the resistance, I will measure the current needed to melt the different wires. I will start with the variable resistor set to the maximum. I will slowly decrease resistance to increase current. Prediction: I predict that the very thick wires will melt at a very high current, while the thinner wires will melt at a lower current. This is because the thick wires

  • Essay On History Of Electricity

    519 Words  | 2 Pages

    The early studies of the history of electricity have been researched over several hundreds of years. There are several forerunners and inventors that laid the foundation for us to build upon; however I will only list a few. First, Otto von Guericke created the first machine that produced static electricity in 1660. Second, in 1675 Robert Boyle discovered that attraction and repulsion could be attained through a vacuum. Third, Alessandro Volta created the first battery in 1800, which consisted

  • AC circuit

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    assumed as being ideal. The AC voltage source has an infinitely variable frequency (0≤f≤∞). The values of all the resistors, capacitor, and inductor are constant. In this AC circuit, you can analyze that each resistor is in series with either an inductor, voltage source, or capacitor. Resistor 2 is in series with the capacitor. Resistor 3 is in series with the inductor. Resistor 1 is in series with the AC voltage source. From this, you can realize that they are now in parallel with each other

  • The Relationship Between Resistance, Potential Difference and Current in an Electric Circuit

    2767 Words  | 6 Pages

    Dependent Variable: The current strength (mA) in the circuit. Controlled Variable: The temperature in the circuit is kept constant throughout all tests. Apparatus: A circuit board. 6 Crocodile wires. A light bulb. An ammeter. A voltmeter. A rheostat resistor. Three 1,5V cells forming a 4.5V battery. Diagram: Method: Safety precautions: Ensure that the circuit is away from any water. Ensure that all apparatus being used is in working condition and has its certificate of safety. Ensure that all

  • Economic Security System

    959 Words  | 2 Pages

    Security is gaining awareness and importance in recent years. And the access control system form a vital link in the security chain at present there are many security system available in the market but the paper proposed here is an economical electronic system. The consumption of low operating power, flexible and user friendly mechanical designs are the merits of this project the paper presents the technology of authorized access system by using 89c51 microcontroller and it has an added advantage

  • Building a Mass Balance to Measure Small Weights Using a Rotary Potentiometer

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    2k and 3k resistors, 1k variable resistor, amplifier. Reason For Choice Of Components: · Rotary Potentiometer: I used a rotary potentiometer so that when masses are placed on the meter rule the change in voltage (output) could be noted. The rotary potentiometer is of 5k Ohms but I connected it to a 5V power supply as a more convenient way of measure. As the potentiometer moves the resistance changes and also does the voltage. · 2k, 3k Fixed Resistor and 1k Variable Resistor: I used these

  • Finding the Internal Resistance of a Power Pack

    1650 Words  | 4 Pages

    seems unlikely, but it is required in order to allow an electric circuit to function. An electric current is a flow of electric charge, the charge flows around the circuit, transferring some of its energy to areas of resistance along the way (resistors, filament lamps, buzzers). At some point along the way the energy must be initially supplied, otherwise the whole process couldn't function. At the beginning of the process the power supply provides the charge with energy to pass to the circuit

  • Fotune is a Woman: The Conception of Virtu

    1330 Words  | 3 Pages

    Niccolo Machiavelli ‘Les Principalipos’ 4. 'Fortune is a woman,' says Machiavelli. What does this mean, and what is its significance for Machiavelli's conception of virtù? Fortune is a woman says Machiavelli. Such a claim has been used to reveal Fortune’s nature. It has allowed us to study her ways, to learn how to interact to her. Fortune is a powerful woman, and requires virtu to resist her. Machiavelli uses this picture to help people understand more simply the nature of Fortune so they

  • Constructing a Greenhouse Window

    3984 Words  | 8 Pages

    Constructing a Greenhouse Window Building and testing a sensor to determine number of degrees to which a window is open Introduction When making use of a greenhouse to grow plants out of season or on a large scale for commercial reasons, the temperature within the green house must be carefully regulated, in order to ensure that the plants are under the optimum growing conditions. With the windows shut permanently, the temperature may become too high, and the windows need therefore

  • Experiment on Electrical Resistance

    2180 Words  | 5 Pages

    (electrons) and the resistance controls the amount of current flowing. If we want to calculate the current flowing through the circuit, we need to know how much resistance it has. A resistor that has a large resistance only allows a small current through it and a small resistance allows a large current through. Resistors are usually long coils of wire, or small pieces of material that do not conduct electricity very well, therefore the conductivity of the metals affect resistance. As the potential

  • Investigating The Internal Resistance Of A Lemon Battery

    1656 Words  | 4 Pages

    every battery. So batteries turn some of their available energy into heat inside themselves. Therefore, inside the cell you get some energy put IN to the circuit by the cell (an e.m.f.) some energy taken OUT of the circuit by the internal resistor (a pd) So the pd, V, available to the rest of the circuit is: V = E - Ir Where: E = the e.m.f. of the cell I = the current through the cell And r = the value of the internal resistance So Ir = the pd across the

  • An Investigation To Show How the Voltage Affects the Current In a Light Bulb

    758 Words  | 2 Pages

    you put more lamps into the circuit there is more resistance. As the resistance of the variable resistor decreases the current in the circuit increases until the bulbs burn out. If the number of bulbs in a series circuit is increased, less current will flow. The lamps resist the current, so if you put more lamps into the circuit there is more resistance. As the resistance of the variable resistor decreases the current in the circuit increases until the bulb burns out. The filament of a bulb