An Investigation To Show How the Voltage Affects the Current In a Light Bulb

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An Investigation To Show How the Voltage Affects the Current In a Light Bulb

Aim:~ An investigation to show how the voltage affects the current

flowing through a light bulb.

Hypothesis:~ I predict that as the current increases the voltage of

the lamp will also increase; thus causing the resitance to decrease. I

think this because of Ohm's Law which states that current will

increase in proportion to voltage; if the current is doubled the

voltage is also doubled.

Bearing this in mind my graph should resemble my diagram below:











If the voltage across a light bulb is increased, more current will

flow through it. If the number of bulbs in a series circuit is

increased, less current will flow through them. The lamps resist the

current, so if you put more lamps into the circuit there is more

resistance. As the resistance of the variable resistor decreases the

current in the circuit increases until the bulbs burn out.

If the number of bulbs in a series circuit is increased, less current

will flow. The lamps resist the current, so if you put more lamps into

the circuit there is more resistance. As the resistance of the

variable resistor decreases the current in the circuit increases until

the bulb burns out. The filament of a bulb is a very thin wire and

acts as an electrical resistance.

When the current flows, electrical energy is converted into heat and

light energy.

Safety:~ I need to ensure the safety of myself and others by making

sure that the experiment is conducted accurately and safely. To do

this I must ensure the following-

* Apparatus should be placed in a safe place and put away safely.

* Electrical plugs should be switched off after use.

* The area around where I am performing my experiment should be kept

dry and nearby taps should be switched off.

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