Recreational diving Essays

  • Recreational vs. Technical Diving

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    After two years of recreational diving I have learned some of the ins and outs of the dive community. Diving has become such an enjoyable experience for me that I have decided to make a career change and work towards my dream of being a commercial diver. Before making such a life altering decision, it is important to understand the differences between the two in order to further understand the depth of my decision. In this essay, I will compare portions of recreational diving to its equivalent in

  • The History of the Sport of Swimming

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    a swimming pool (MLA 7th Edition). Swimming has taken on many forms since that time period some reasons include recreationally, utilitarian, combat, scuba diving, swimming races, marathon swimming, and water polo and diving. Recreational swimming has been around since the Greeks and Romans. Young children often learn to swim in a recreational setting with instructors. The water is an unsafe place for some. Swimming in open water occasionally ends in drowning. Since the nineteenth century, swimmers

  • Importance Of A Recreation Center

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    free time in a good way. The recreation center needs the above things to be fixed in order to have an integral recreation center such as belchers for the indoor soccer field, lockers room and the parking lots for the whole recreation center and the diving board for the swimming pool.

  • Swimming and Cycling

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    Competitive Swimming People have been swimming since the Stone Age, but it wasn’t until the 1830’s in England when swimming became a competitive sport. This was a direct result from the creation of the first indoor artificial swimming pool in 1828. The Olympic Games adopted swimming in 1896 but were held in open water for the first four Olympics. In the 1908 Summer Olympics a 100m pool was built which marks the first artificial Olympic pool. Pools of 50m and 25m are more commonly used today and implement

  • Personal Narrative Essay: My Memorable Drowning Moment

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    My Memorable Drowning Moment Today, for my personal development, my mind slipped back to the summer I learned to swim in deep water. In the summer 1963, I loved to hang with my friends on the weekend at a swimming pool in my town. I was a boy – maybe fourteen-years-old, and Joan was my girl companion. My memorable drowning story shows how obstacles can be overcome, fears can be strengths, and sometimes an accident becomes an opportunity. It’s a story that changed my belief: “If you believe that anything

  • Swimming

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    The sun sleeps as the desolate city streets await the morning rush hour. Driven by an inexplicable compulsion, I enter the building along with ten other swimmers, inching my way toward the cold, dark locker room of the Esplanada Park Pool. One by one, we slip into our still-damp drag suits and make a mad dash through the chill of the morning air, stopping only to grab pull-buoys and kickboards on our way to the pool. Nighttime temperatures in coastal California dip into the high forties, but our

  • Swimming Problem Maths Investigation

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    Swimming Problem Maths Investigation Introduction ============ A group of swimmers are following a training schedule that requires them to dive into the water and swim one length of the swimming pool. They must keep doing this until they have completed 20 lengths. For safety's sake they have been allocated a single lane of the pool and all the swimmers must swim in the same direction in single file. Half of the swimmers say that it will be quickest always to swim in the same direction

  • Jacques Cousteau

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    future course was set. In 1943, he and Emile Gagnan developed the first regulated compressed-air breathing device for sustained, unencumbered diving. After World War II, he created and organized, in conjunction with Commander Philippe Tailliez and Frédéric Dumas, an underwater research unit to carry out technical experiments and laboratory studies in diving. In 1950 he founded "Campagne Oceanographique Francaise". Also, in the same year, Captain Cousteau acquired Calypso, a retired minesweeper

  • Twim-Personal Narrative

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    Wood. Session 1. Journal Drummer, my swim instructor, threw me off the diving board into the deep end. I was only six. The water was cold.The walls of the pool seemed miles away.This is how I learned to swim. My life was changed forever. That Fall I started on a competitive swim team. I could only swim five to seven yards before I had to stop. Luckily the coach had me swim in the lane next to the gutter.This was the start of my love for swimming, that I still have to this day.I swam all over Illinois

  • Personal Narrative: The Chaffey Water Polo

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    The Chaffey Water Polo team went to a school named Shadow Hill to go into the finals for the C.I.F. competitions. We had worked hard to get that far and the team, including our coach , Coach Carlos, were stressed. I was a bit pardoned by anxiety, because I wasn't on the varsity team and also, I wasn't playing. I was on junior varsity and my fellow teammates and I, were just merely supporting our varsity team during the games, the only cause for us to enter the pool would have to be that a player

  • Personal Narrative: My Goals In The Swimming Pool

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    Everyone has a story that has led them to be who they are today and this story is mine. When I was younger, I’d spend my days in the pool. My mother encouraged me to change my weekend pleasures of floating on water, to a daily sport that I compete amongst others. Swimming has made me to be who I am today in a vast amount of ways. This sport taught me to push past the limits that I set for myself. Swimming has made me strive to be the best I can be physically, mentally, and personally. It has

  • Personal Narrative On Becoming A Swimer

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    MY JOURNEY TO BECOME A SWIMMER I remember everything, so clearly, as if a film were playing in my head. Everything was cold and blue. My body was stiff and I was uncertain. I knew what I had to do, but I didn’t know how to do it. Instead of even trying, I gave up. I threw my head above the water and started gasping for air. My parents came to my rescue. They reassured me that everything was going to be fine and patted my back to help get the water out of my mouth. Wrapped in a towel, with my parents’

  • Personal Narrative On Becoming A Swimmer

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    A near drowning accident at the age of 8 taught me to always keep the faith in challenging times. I can still remember the feeling of helplessness that overcame me as I watched my cousin drown. Being a nonswimmer myself, I watched as each gasp for breath became his last. Consequently, having witnessed that tragic event marked the beginning of my personal pursuit to become a swimmer. It would be the following summer that I too came face to face with drowning. Pushed in the water by a mischievouss

  • Resarch Paper Proposal: The Box Jellyfish

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    Resarch Paper Proposal: The Box Jellyfish As far back as I can trace my memories I remember that as a child I always liked to be in the water. Swimming pools were my absolute favorite. Wherever I went, I would always ask if there was a swimming pool. However, things changed when my parents took me to Florida for the first time. When I looked out onto the ocean my parents told me that the first words that came out of my mouth were, “Look mom, dad it’s a huge swimming pool!” I bet anyone can

  • Blue Grotto Research Papers

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    Florida each year in search of sunshine, sandy beaches, and kid friendly theme parks, other visitors have one main activity on their mind, and that is scuba diving! With a long, sprawling coastline, it’s natural to associate scuba diving in Florida to strictly ocean diving only, but that’s just not the case. There are actually numerous freshwater diving Florida opportunities. With limestone rock naturally filtering the water, giving it crystal clear visibility and a temperature of 72 degrees, it is no

  • scuba diving

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    Many people think of scuba diving as just a swim in the water, but in reality it is a very exciting, dangerous, and potentially fatal sport and activity. There are many types of scuba diving, ranging from recreational to sport to career diving. Scuba Diving is just not a swim in the water, scuba requires certification, uses technical equipment, and there is a lot of risk involved with scuba diving. Scuba, which is actually an acronym for “self-contained breathing apparatus”, Allows divers to dive

  • Free Personal Narratives: Camping - With Children!

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    near the Navarro river. The ulterior goal for my husband and his friend was to be close to Albion. It is the secret spot for abalone diving. I didn't know the amount of gear you needed, until I saw the back of the truck. There were iceboxes filled with food, camping stoves, lanterns, gallons of drinking water, tents, air mattresses and sleeping bags. There were also diving suits, weights to help the person stay underwater longer and booties to help protect your feet. That was a lot of stuff for a four

  • Pool Scenes in The Graduate

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    Pool Scenes in The Graduate At first glance it may seem that the swimming pool in Ben?s backyard is no more than an insignificant setting-choice for the movie. After close examination, however, the pool fills a critical role as the symbol of the recent college-graduate?s internal struggle with decisions regarding his future. Key scenes involving the swimming pool and the related aquarium in Ben?s room chronicle the evolution of his transition from adolescents into adulthood. The opening scene

  • My Trip To Wildwood, New Jersey

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    One of the best vacation spots and most fun are down the shore in Wildwood, New Jersey. Wildwood consists of a boardwalk with tons of rides and fun, a beach with a beautiful ocean, and little summerhouses with ocean-side views. The best attractions though would probably be located on the boardwalk. There are so many things to see and do. Although it’s rather costly, it’s well worth it and it’s a great place for a family to share quality time together. The boardwalk is consisted of shops, arcades

  • Investigating a Cantilever

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    Investigating a Cantilever Research A cantilever is a beam fixed at one end only. They are often used in every day life in structures such as cranes, diving boards and football stadiums. Factors that effect the deflection of a cantilever are mass, length and load. 3 forces affect a cantilever's deflection; these are gravitational forces acting upon the mass and load of a cantilever a compressional force acting on the underside of the cantilever and a tensional force on the upper