Numbers Essays

  • Consecutive Numbers

    1963 Words  | 4 Pages

    Consecutive Numbers Task 1 Problem 1 Write down 3 consecutive numbers. Square the middle one. Multiply the first and the third number. Compare the two numbers, what do you notice? Problem 2 ========= Write down two consecutive numbers. Square both of the numbers and find the difference between the squares. What do you notice? Problem 1 ========= I am going to investigate several sets of three consecutive numbers to see if the square of the middle is related to

  • The Fibonacci Numbers

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    The Fibonacci numbers were first discovered by a man named Leonardo Pisano. He was known by his nickname, Fibonacci. The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence in which each term is the sum of the 2 numbers preceding it. The first 10 Fibonacci numbers are: (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89). These numbers are obviously recursive. Fibonacci was born around 1170 in Italy, and he died around 1240 in Italy. He played an important role in reviving ancient mathematics and made significant contributions

  • Proportions Of Numbers And Magnitudes

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    Proportions of Numbers and Magnitudes In the Elements, Euclid devotes a book to magnitudes (Five), and he devotes a book to numbers (Seven). Both magnitudes and numbers represent quantity, however; magnitude is continuous while number is discrete. That is, numbers are composed of units which can be used to divide the whole, while magnitudes can not be distinguished as parts from a whole, therefore; numbers can be more accurately compared because there is a standard unit representing one of something

  • Number and Operations

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    confuse decimal amounts because so many numbers are involved. Students originally learn that more digits equal a greater amount. For example, they might think that 0.2398476 is greater than 0.72 because it has more digits. In order to keep students from being confused and misunderstanding the true amounts, I would teach a strategy called leading digit (Cathcart, Pothier, Vance, & Bezuk, 2011, p. 278). Using the leading digit strategy takes unneeded numbers away making comparing the two fractions

  • Rational Numbers

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    different numbers. Numbers can be classified into groups which with a little bit of studying are easy to understand over time. Terms in math are thrown around easily and if you don’t understand the terms math will suddenly become much more difficult. The terms and groups that I am referring to are where the different numbers fall into different groups. These groups are Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Integers, Rational numbers, Real numbers, and Irrational numbers. First Natural numbers which are

  • The Use of Numbers in The Queen of Spades

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    The Use of Numbers in The Queen of Spades The use of numbers, especially the three and to a lesser extent the seven, is of major importance in Alexander Pushkin's The Queen of Spades. The use of three permeates the text in several ways, these being major, minor, and in reference to time. According to Alexandr Slonimsky in an essay written in 1922, "A notion of the grouping of three is dominant..." (429). In the major details of the story, we find "three fantastic moments" (Slonimsky 429)

  • Number Theory Essay

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    4-digit Jarasandha numbers. In the above expression , & denote the area and semi-perimeter of the rectangle respectively. Also, total number of rectangles, each satisfying the above relation is obtained. Keywords: Rectangles, Jarasandha numbers. 1. Introduction Mathematics is the language of patterns and relationships, and is used to describe anything that can be quantified. Number theory is one of the largest and oldest branches of mathematics. The main goal of number theory is to discover

  • Gensis Exodus Numbers Summeries

    1381 Words  | 3 Pages

    GENESIS: 1-2: God simply created everything, the Heavens and Earth. The created teaches us that God is creative and he is in control of all. Then he created man in his image, and told then to be fruitful. He provided everything we and the animals needed to live. There was morning and evening on the sixth day. On the seventh and final day of creation God rested. I think this means we also need rest. He made a helper for man and then was women from the rib of Adam. God gave the gift of marriage

  • Powers from Numbers

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    In Gulliver’s Travels by Johnathan Swift, through the groups Gulliver meets such as the small Lilliputians, the giant Brobdingnags, and the half-human Houyhnms, he learns there are no specific guidelines as to who can have power; it comes from the number of those on the opposing side. First, power is exemplified with the Lilliputians; Gulliver is completely submissive to them despite their small size, simply because he was outnumbered. Similarly, the Brobdingnags have control, and therefore power

  • Number Grid

    2368 Words  | 5 Pages

    Number Grid For this task I will first be looking at a number grid from 1 to 100, like the one below : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

  • Graham's Number

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    interesting and intriguing, and that topic is Graham’s number. The reason I find this topic to be so fascinating is because it’s a very large number. Quite literally. Its size is less than infinity, but the number itself is so large, that if a person tried to imagine it in his/her head, their head would collapse on itself and form a black hole. This is actually not a hyperbole, it’s a fact. It is hard to believe, but it’s a fact. This number is so huge, that if all matter in the universe becomes

  • Maxi Product Of Numbers Investigation

    6048 Words  | 13 Pages

    the Maxi Product of Numbers Introduction ------------ In this investigation, I am going investigate the Maxi Product of numbers. I am going to find the Maxi Product for selected numbers and then work out a general rule after individual rules are worked out for each step. I am going to find the Maxi Product for double numbers, I will find two numbers which added together equal the number selected and when multiplied will equal the highest number possible that can

  • College Admissions Essay: The Beauty Of Numbers

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    The Beauty of Numbers   "There are three kinds of lies-lies, damned lies, and statistics."-Mark Twain   Well, perhaps Mr. Twain didn't see the beauty of numbers the way that I do. Because ever since grade school, mathematics has been my favorite subject.  And once I was in college and could focus on many areas of math, I realized that I had a genuine interest to applying mathematical and statistical theories to real-world concerns.  Hey, even Twain the skeptic realized

  • Number Grid Essay

    3752 Words  | 8 Pages

    Opposite Corners on Number Grids Are Subtracted Introduction The purpose of this investigation is to explore the answer when the products of opposite corners on number grids are subtracted and to discover a formula, which will give the answer in all cases. I hope to learn some aspects of mathematics that I previously did not know. The product is when two numbers are multiplied together. There is one main rule: the product of the top left number and the bottom

  • Significance of the Number 3 in Fairy Tales

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    of the Number 3 in Fairy Tales Numbers do not exist. They are creations of the mind, existing only in the realm of understanding. No one has ever touched a number, nor would it be possible to do so. You may sketch a symbol on a paper that represents a number, but that symbol is not the number itself. A number is just understood. Nevertheless, numbers hold symbolic meaning. Have you ever asked yourself serious questions about the significance, implications, and roles of numbers? For example

  • Pacific Number Zero Essay

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    Roman, and Hindu-Arabic. However, the number “zero” did not exist in the early age of math. Numbers were initially used to count things; counting-wise, it does not make sense to count something “zero”, thus zero was not used until later in the history. I consider zero to be the most interesting number because it represents nothing and everything all together. Nowadays, zero is still a mystery to people confusing humanity for thousands of years. The magical number, zero, mainly began its use as a placeholder

  • Investigating the Relationship Between the Number or Letters in a Word and the Number of Arrangements of the Letters There Are

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    Investigating the Relationship Between the Number or Letters in a Word and the Number of Arrangements of the Letters There Are Introduction The aim of these investigations is to explore and find a relationship between the number of letters in a word and the number of arrangements of the letters there are. 1. LUCY For these investigations, I have decided to use numbers instead of letters because it will be easier to work out all of the arrangements if I can do them in numerical order

  • The History of Imaginary Numbers

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    The History of Imaginary Numbers The origin of imaginary numbers dates back to the ancient Greeks. Although, at one time they believed that all numbers were rational numbers. Through the years mathematicians would not accept the fact that equations could have solutions that were less than zero. Those type of numbers are what we refer to today as negative numbers. Unfortunately, because of the lack of knowledge of negative numbers, many equations over the centuries seemed to be unsolvable

  • T-Totals and T-Numbers

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    T-Totals and T-Numbers [IMAGE] This is a T-shape! It allows us to gather information into algebraic formulas to explain the relationships between numbers. [IMAGE]This is the T-Number. It is the central part of our research. If you add up all the numbers in the T, you will find the T-Total! For the T above, the T-Total will be 1 + 2 + 3 + 9 + 16 = 31. 2) Using algebra, we can work out a formula for this T. On a 9x9 grid a T would look like this: [IMAGE] From this we can

  • Fibonacci Numbers and Sequences

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    Fibonacci numbers are numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. In this paper, you will find out what Fibonacci numbers are related to. You will also find out how Fibonacci numbers are everywhere in the world. Though Fibonacci numbers are found in mathematical subjects, they are also found in other concepts. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary “Fibonacci Numbers are integers in the infinite sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 … of which the first two terms are 1 and 1 and each succeeding term is the sum