The topic of this paper is the debate of whether or not maternal employment has any effect on infant development. Research on this described topic has recently become popular due to the rise of working mothers over the past several decades. Their increasing numbers in the workplace and decreasing numbers as stay at home moms are creating a number of different issues to be studied. The effects of maternal employment are determined by a number of factors that include, the mother’s job satisfaction
Maternal instincts- are they just a myth or are they real? How can you tell when you are right or just want to be right? We claim that we know best for our children but do we really? There is no scientific test to prove maternal instincts exists, yet there are examples of it all around us. We can claim that maternal instincts are human nature, but not all women have maternal instincts. Mothers with maternal instincts know when their children are in danger. Are those mothers with this ability just
Maternal Bond in Toni Morrison's Beloved The maternal bond between mother and kin is valued and important in all cultures. Mothers and children are linked together and joined: physically, by womb and breast; and emotionally, by a sense of self and possession. Once that bond is established, a mother will do anything for her child. In the novel Beloved, the author, Toni Morrison, describes a woman, Sethe, who's bond is so strong she goes to great lengths to keep her children safe and protected
The Maturation of a Maternal Bond in Morning Song What is the only difference between the emotions of an ordinary smiling new mother in the 1960's and those of Sylvia Plath when she writes her melancholy "Morning Song" soon after her child's birth? While most new mothers pretended all was well, Plath published her true feelings. Simply because society held that all new mothers should be filled with immense joy after giving birth does not mean that they actually were. Plath had the courage
Maternal mortality and morbidity in recent years has become a major deveopmental issue and a matter of concern in many developing countries especially with the passage of the United Nations Millennium development goals. Many countries including Ghana are striving to reach the Millenium Development Goal (MDG) target 5 by 2015. Ghana is one of the sub-Saharan African countries still recording high numbers of maternal mortality and morbidity related issues and this poses a serious challenge for the
Cora Munro's Sexual and Maternal Instincts in James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans Cora Munro's relationship with her younger, fairer sister Alice demonstrates a distinct mother-daughter pattern that manifests itself in every interaction between the two women. Throughout James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans, the character of Cora continuously hides her sister's face in her bosom as an indication of undying protection from the ravages of the American frontier. Alice depends
paper, I would highlight the barriers and solution for the maternal mortality conditions in Malawi. Prior to the year 1990, maternal mortality was prevalent and thus became the issue to be included and solve as fifth Millennium Development Goal (MDG). The addition of maternal mortality into the goals of solving international issues proves its significance towards building a better society. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes maternal mortality as, The death of a woman while pregnant or within
etiological factors for maternal morbidity and mortality include hemorrhage, infection, obstructed labor, risky abortions, and indirect causes, such as malaria and HIV. With a growing knowledge of sterilization, and advent of antibiotics, the Global North experienced a major drop in maternal mortality and morbidity. In 2009, the US maternal mortality ratio was 24/per 100,000 live births, 10 times lower than global averages, 260. Off the US coast, the island nation of Haiti’s maternal mortality ratio is
John Bowlby and Maternal Deprivation Bowlby believed that maternal behaviour was instinctive in humans as it appears to be in animals. Mothers and their babies form an instinctive attachment to each other using genetically inherited skills such as smiling, grasping, crying and so on. If a separation occurs between mother and infant within the first few years of the child’s life, Bowlby believed that the bond would be irreversibly broken, leading to severe emotional consequences for the
access to any type of modern health institution is limited at best (p. 1). If citizen of Ethiopia had more accessibility of the healthcare system more individuals could be taught how to practice safe health practices. In Ethiopia where HIV, and maternal and infant mortality rates are sky high, more education on the importance of using the healthcare system and makin... ... middle of paper ... ...ce of mortality, education can also be given to them about healthy child development and what to
That is why it is not surprising that so much research has been developed on that topic. In the article “Transforming the Debate About Child Care and Maternal Employment” the author, Louise B. Silverstein, presents a very interesting point of view on the history as well as the future of psychological research on child care and influence of maternal employment on child development. The very essence of Silverstein’s argument was the biggest shock to me. She claims that psychological research and political
assuming a maternal role, in order to inspire the aggression needed to fulfill their ambitions. Similarly, in Coriolanus, Volumnia maintains a clear, overtly maternal position over Coriolanus, molding him to be the ideal of heroic masculinity that both separates him from the rest of the characters and inescapably binds him to his mother. These two plays, more than any other in the Shakespearean canon, throw into doubt the notion of a completely autonomous masculine identity by revealing the maternal nature
Blunt Trauma in Pregnancy AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS Trauma affects 6-7% of pregnancies in the U.S. 60 - 67% related to automobile accidents. Fetal mortality after maternal blunt trauma is 34 - 38%. The two major causes of fetal death after maternal blunt trauma are: Maternal shock/death, and placental abruption. The pregnant trauma patient presents a unique challenge because care must be provided for two patients, the mother and the fetus. It is vital that the nurse know and understand the anatomical
Child Observation Subjects: Boy-3 years old, Girl-4 years old, Mother. Hypothesis: My hypothesis was to determine the effects of maternal presence versus absence on sibling behavior. Setting: This observation took place in the children's home. As a playroom they used the living room because that is where all their toys are. For my observation I used both the siblings and their mother. During the observation I was present including the children and their mother. I am not related to those
developing fetus will have the same. This is due to the lack of a transplacental barrier to lead. Thus, the maternal levels are consistently equal to fetal levels throughout pregnancy. The mode of transport is not clearly understood. However, it has been suggested that it is a matter of simple diffusion for several reasons (1). First, is the close quantitative relationship between maternal and fetal blood lead levels. Second, is the experimentally modeled linear relationship between the transfer
Mothers in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility "I can no more forget it, than a mother can forget her suckling child". Jane Austen wrote these words about her novel, Sense and Sensibility, in a letter to her sister Cassandra in 1811. Such a maternal feeling in Austen is interesting to note, particularly because any reader of hers is well aware of a lack of mothers in her novels. Frequently we encounter heroines and other major characters whom, if not motherless, have mothers who are deficient
elaborates, "Annie views Paul in a madly maternal way. Early in her custody of Paul, she brings him pills for his excruciating pain, but he must suck them off her fingers in a grotesque parody of a nursing child" (125). If she leaves him untended too long, Paul wets his bed, and she must change his sheets and clothes. When he is tired or frustrated, he weeps like a small child. Annie ensures his childlike dependence on her and an ""expression of maternal love" (King 159) with his addiction to pain
Janet Adelman's Hamlet Janet Alderman in her essay "'Man and Wife Is One Flesh': Hamlet and the Confrontation with the Maternal Body" embraces the psychoanalytic tradition of Freud and Lacan in order to reveal the quadruple-angled relationship of the Hamlet monarchy. Focusing primarily on the relationship between Gertrude and her son, Hamlet, Alderman attempts to recast the drama as a charged portrait of Oedipal disillusionment and Lacanian sexual-abnegation. Appropriately, sexuality provides
Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Emile Zola’s Therese Raquin are both works with characters that possess maternal instinct. There is not a definite explanation for maternal instinct because it can be viewed differently. Although this is true, there is often a stereotype woman with the ‘right’ qualities of maternal instinct. This often articulates unrealistic images in people’s minds. Instinct means “an imposed set of values, imposed by the society” and the way they think a mother should naturally
for this form of fiction. With his mother of critical importance, Lawrence uses Freud’s Oedipus complex, creating many analyses for critics. Alfred Booth Kuttner states the Oedipus complex as: “the struggle of a man to emancipate himself from his maternal allegiance and to transfer his affections to a woman who stands outside the family circle” (277). Paul’s compromising situations with Miram Leivers and Clara Dawes, as well as the death of his ... ... middle of paper ... ...293-294. Kuttner